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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I legit just had a redneck boy come up to me and said he could take me from Elias and I quote "I bet I could beat your boyfriend's wimpy arse with one hand tied behind my back." and I said wanna bet? And he said yeah, (the bet was if Elias lost, I'd break up with him on the spot and go to the redneck boy, and I agreed ahahaha) so I went and got Elias out of class and brought him to the cafeteria and told him the situation and Elias stand's at 6' 4" now, and this kid is like 90 pounds and like 5' 2" and I looked at him with this smug expression, and I said go ahead, beat my boyfriend's wimpy arse. So this kid panicked and threw a punch and I kid you not, Elias isn't putting up with bullcrap today, he picks this kid up, and legit carries him over to a trash can and dumps him in it, and walks back to class. The admin come over to me, and they ask me what that was all about, and I gave them the honest answer, and they laughed like coyotes when they saw the redneck kid get up, and he goes, there isn't a problem, have a good day. And walks off in defeat. Not feeling as bad now.

@TeamMezzo group

I legit just had a redneck boy come up to me and said he could take me from Elias and I quote "I bet I could beat your boyfriend's wimpy arse with one hand tied behind my back." and I said wanna bet? And he said yeah, (the bet was if Elias lost, I'd break up with him on the spot and go to the redneck boy, and I agreed ahahaha) so I went and got Elias out of class and brought him to the cafeteria and told him the situation and Elias stand's at 6' 4" now, and this kid is like 90 pounds and like 5' 2" and I looked at him with this smug expression, and I said go ahead, beat my boyfriend's wimpy arse. So this kid panicked and threw a punch and I kid you not, Elias isn't putting up with bullcrap today, he picks this kid up, and legit carries him over to a trash can and dumps him in it, and walks back to class. The admin come over to me, and they ask me what that was all about, and I gave them the honest answer, and they laughed like coyotes when they saw the redneck kid get up, and he goes, there isn't a problem, have a good day. And walks off in defeat. Not feeling as bad now.

uhm, yes.


I legit just had a redneck boy come up to me and said he could take me from Elias and I quote "I bet I could beat your boyfriend's wimpy arse with one hand tied behind my back." and I said wanna bet? And he said yeah, (the bet was if Elias lost, I'd break up with him on the spot and go to the redneck boy, and I agreed ahahaha) so I went and got Elias out of class and brought him to the cafeteria and told him the situation and Elias stand's at 6' 4" now, and this kid is like 90 pounds and like 5' 2" and I looked at him with this smug expression, and I said go ahead, beat my boyfriend's wimpy arse. So this kid panicked and threw a punch and I kid you not, Elias isn't putting up with bullcrap today, he picks this kid up, and legit carries him over to a trash can and dumps him in it, and walks back to class. The admin come over to me, and they ask me what that was all about, and I gave them the honest answer, and they laughed like coyotes when they saw the redneck kid get up, and he goes, there isn't a problem, have a good day. And walks off in defeat. Not feeling as bad now.
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