forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

oof…my crush found someone else…after….me and her talking for a month…and hanging out ….and….she finds someone and tells me to find someone i'd like…..P.S. SHE IS THE ONE I LIKE ….i can't go a day without wondering if she's alright……I told her i was happy for her…but im not….i really wanted to have her be my girl…… -inwardly cries- So….im going to try to look for people…idc if it's online or if it's IRL…… to say im desperate for cuddle's and movie nights, and late night video chats….is an understatement…

Deleted user

yeah, but can i admit something…i think im falling for someone on notebook….i won't do anything stupid but let me call them Cupid…this cupid…is just….idk….when i talk with them it's like…butterflies…and they might not know im slightly crushing…also…if they knew i don't wanna ruin any friendships…and this isn't me saying im trying to date on Notebook. its just a crush…

Deleted user

-blushes- eep i went to bed feeling happy for once. someone pinch me , i think im still dreaming.

Deleted user

And i have these happy butterflies in my system to the point i can't stop smiling. -thinks of that special person- yeah.

@Pickles group

Okay so I have a dilemma. I have this wonderful thing called Military Ball, and Elias may or may not be able to go. Because he has a job on the weekends. What should I do besides tell him to call out?

ah, mil ball

Deleted user

Okay so I have a dilemma. I have this wonderful thing called Military Ball, and Elias may or may not be able to go. Because he has a job on the weekends. What should I do besides tell him to call out?

Buy a dress
It's pretty much saying "you don't have much of a choice now motherfucker"

@Pickles group

Calling in for him seems too clingy
No, you must make him want to go. Without him realizing it. Shoe him how much you want to go but not seem too… I don't know

I have no idea how to do that