forum Crushes
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It's pretty cool. Until you're on the ice and it legit splits under your feet and your only thought before you hit the water is sh*t and you have about 15 seconds before the gap in the ice closes and you are either squished or trapped. That's why you have a group of people with you, either 3 or 4 or 5 or like 20.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You betcha. In Alaska, we have four ice seasons. First one is when we hunt for whales and it's slushy ice, second is more like flow ice and icebergs, third one is more of thin ice, and very risky to be on but inadvertently, this is the season where we have to go out onto the ice to free the whales that have gotten themselves trapped, and the last one is solid ice, like 3 to 5 feet thick. The third and last season are the ones where the ice sings. The third is where I fell in, and the last is the one where you can go sit out on the ice and make a fire and not burn a hole through it. It's all varying degrees of cold weather. It's like never warm.

@Reblod flag

Alaska sounds so alien to me. I come from a completely different climate. Like my country is literally on fire
The coldest place I've ever been to is Italy. I've almost frozen to death and the coldest so far has been -2 Celsius (and my first snow so it was worth it)

Deleted user


Hot girl after I gave her candy canes for christmas lmao: Kisses me on the cheek

Deleted user


Hot girl after I gave her candy canes for christmas lmao: Kisses me on the cheek

Now that there is a score bud



It's my ex's birthday today

We haven't spoken much since things fell apart, but based on what conversations we've had and what I've heard from mutual friends he kind of despises me now

I keep thinking to myself that he probably misses me, he just thinks I don't miss him, I haven't told him I still want to make things work, but then I remember I have told him and he just responded with a passive-aggressive "wow, then that's all I had to say" and ignored every text I sent afterward

Now I have to see all our mutual friends wishing him a happy birthday on social media

I miss him, chief


At this point I'm rapidly veering between telling myself I absolutely loathe his very existence and that I don't care about him at all and just being so overwhelmed by how much I miss him, but at the moment I've had so many cups of coffee today I can't really feel anything at all anymore I'm so tired and so awake at the same time how does this work

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I feel that one. But don't you just love when you have a class that you're struggling in, and you have a C in, and it's legit less than 36 hours before Christmas and she destroys your will to live? Like she told me that I was getting nowhere, that I was going to live on the streets, and that I would never to be able to pay for college because I was going to get nowhere. Yeah I love my life, but there are times, like now, about how I wish it would end. You don't know how close I was to saying fine, I'm worthless, I always screw up, and I'm no good for you. I'll leave, and don't expect me to come back. Merry Christmas mom. Gee I love you too.

Deleted user

-hugs winter- you need a hug… and honestly so do i..the new year is popping up…and idk what im going to do……but for now i'll help you guys ^w^


Guy's, I'm going to put a quick rant about my Crush here just because I need to get somethings about my feelings about this boy off my chest. Please ignore the grammar issues, I'm aware they are there I just can't be bothered to fix them. Ok here we go.
Those of you who have been on this chat sense page 50 or so know that I have a crush on this boy, His code name is Pageboy, it's a barbie movie reference don't worry about it. Any who so, I was in the "Oh my actual goodness this boy is a literal angel sent from the heavens to bless the world with his presence." Stage of having a crush for a solid 3 months or something crazy like that. it was a really long time. Then, I actually got to know this guy a bit better, and usually this is when one realizes, "This guy is a human and makes mistakes and oops I no longer like him." But the thing is, I found out that he does have flaws and he's a little bit broken just like the rest of us, but he's also a really good person and he does his absolute best to be a help to anyone he comes across in life. And I ended up falling for him even more because nothing is cuter then a boy who has flaws and is somehow perfect at the same time. And then somehow this guy slipped past all of my walls and got into my inner circle faster then you can blink. And then this guy ends up becoming one of my best friends. He's still one of my greatest friends. Then things got complicated. So he switched schools and we see each other in person not that often, and I was like, this is terrible I might lose my friend. The other half of me was like, great now I can dissolve this crush that has been going on for like 11 months… Yah so that didn't work out, and I still have a crush on this guy. But our friendship survived the school swap . It's not as easy or convenient to be friends as it used to be but we both put in effort to stay connected and I'm really happy about that.
So here's the conflicting part. I keep getting jealous of this girl, we'll call her Sunflower. Sunflower and I have been friends for longer then I can remember, I've known her my entire life She is an amazing human being. Sunflower and Page boy now go to the same school, they are in the same choir, they have classes together, they have the same group of school friends. They talk, a lot, every day. They are getting closer and closer. And I am getting very jealous and I honestly hate that I am, it's not a bad thing, they're to amazing people that deserve to have amazing friends, They would probably be a better couple then him and I would ever be. so yah, I'm just kinda, trying really hard not to be upset that he's getting really close to Sunflower because getting upset would blow my cover and also probably break my friendship with both Sunflower and Page boy. That's it. The end.