forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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Kaelyn and the others finished cleaning the kitchen and began to look for some real food. Although they were technically stealing food from the officials, the food was going to scraps anyway, so it didn't really matter. The officials never really noticed, and if they did they pretended they didn't.


Ava started to look around for real food. She looked over at the clock. “We have to be quick. In 10 minutes officials are going to come in to make sure we did everything,” she said before going at opening the fridge.


Fynn turned to Ethan. "Can we take some food too? That mush doesn't exactly fill me up."


Fynn felt a surge of excitement flow through him as he entered the kitchen, looking for any food he could snatch. Most of it was scraps, but anything was better than the mushy breakfast blob.


He perked up at the sound of his name, then made his way over to the girl that had called him over. "What is it? How do you know my name?"

@Shadow_Knight group

"You kinda learn the names of new kids quick." She said looking through the cuboards. "I thought I might show you where the best places to look for it is."


Kaelyn walked over to Fynn and Nyk and handed them some scraps. "Fynn, Nyk, hide these. The official's gonna check on us any minute now, and I can't hide these all by myself."


Ava his some of the scraps that she found. She then walked over to the others. She looked at Fynn and Ethan. “You two should go back out there before they come in.”


Fynn and Ethan walked away with some hidden scraps. An official walked into the kitchen a minute later and all the girls lined up. They knew the drill. The official inspected the kitchen and walked out without a word. Kaelyn and the rest of her friends were relieved. Although they had done this already. the fear of getting caught was always there.


“Alright we better get going to the nursery,” Ava said before going to the door.
Ethan turned to Fynn. “Ok we have cooking first,” He explained.


Kaelyn laughed. "Okay, well see you around Fynn," she hesitated before adding. "And you too Ethan." The two groups separated and Kaelyn walked with the other girls to the nursery.


Fynn tried his best to keep himself from grinning. All the excitement of sneaking food out of the kitchen was exhilarating. "Cooking?" He replied. "Do we only do household chores here?"


“Yeah. We are trained to clean cook and take care of kids,” Ethan answered walking down the hall.

Ava walked down the hall. When they made it to the nursery she opened the doors revealing the lines of cribs. There were 10 babies in the room. Some were starting to wake up and cry.


"So…we're trained to become servants? That's not fair!" Fynn exclaimed, crossing his arms.


"We didn't have-" Fynn thought about it for a second. "Wait…is that why when I woke up, my room was always clean? Is that how the dishes got cleaned? I thought my parents did that…"


“Oh your from an elf house. That explains a lot,” Ethan said laughing slightly. “Come on we can’t be late to cooking. Plus there are a few rules I have to tell you before we go in.”


He decided to save his questions about what an 'elf house' was for later. "It's just cooking, how hard can it be?"