forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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@Shadow_Knight group

She laughed. "Never better" she said as she got up. "So kitchen duty then huh? Good that's my favorite. Where's Ethan? Is he okay? I can't remember much. I hope his knees aren't messed up to badly."


Kaelyn walked with the rest of her dorm mates to the kitchen. Kitchen duty…. not so bad An official brought Nyk to the rest of the group and the entire dorm sighed a breath of relief. As soon as the official turned away, Ava helped Nyk up and asked if she was okay. After she answered, Kaelyn walked over and gave her a tender hug.


Ava looked out of the window that was between the kitchen and the mess hall. “Yeah his dorm is cleaning the mess hall. He’s right there with the new kid,” she said pointing st the two boys.
Ethan filled up his container with bowls. He walked over to the window and placed the container down. Ava whent over to collect it.

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia hugged Kaelyn back. "I was fine guys. Though I was surprised. The drugs wore off a lot sooner than expected. I hope I didn't scare you guys too much."


Fynn finished cleaning up the last of the bowls a lot sooner than he expected to. He returned to Ethan afterwards. "What do we do now?"


“We bring the containers to the girls,” he said pointing to the window looking into the kitchen. “Then we wipe the tables.”

Ava saw the Ethan start to walk over. “Nyk I don’t want you doing anything, alright?” She said giving her a small smile. “I’ll do the dishes, Kaliyah do you mind sweeping?” she then whispered ”and keeping an eye on Nyk”


Fynn nodded, carrying two containers to some of the girls he had seen earlier. Just cleaning bowls and tables…I thought this school would have worse chores than this.


Ava took both of the containers from Fynn. ”thanks, ” she said before going over to the dink.
Ethan had gotten two spray bottles and rags from the supply closet. A few of the other boys were either wiping down tables or mopping up the floor. Luckily his dorm mates understood that he had to help Fynn so he couldn't clean up the mess he made earlier.
”cleaning tables is like the easiest task. But if you don't do it right you can leave streaks, ” he explained.


"Sounds good." Fynn replied, taking a rag and spray bottle of his own.


"Sounds good." Fynn replied, taking a rag and spray bottle of his own.

“Alright then let’s start. It’s real simple. Just spray the table then wipe in in like a circular way,” he awkwardly explained demestrating as he spoke.


Fynn did as he was told, wiping down the tables in the way Ethan explained. "I thought this would be a lot harder."


Ethan shrugged. “Cleaning up isn’t really hard. It gets tedious but the hardest part of training is constantly taking orders really,” he said continuing to clean.


"How strict are the officials? Is it really that hard to listen to them?" Fynn asked as he sprayed a table and wiped it with a rag.


“Some officials arnt bad. Some are even on our side,” Ethan whispered the last part. ”but there are still a lot who will find any reason to punish you.”

Ava looked over at Nyk and then at the boys. ”they should be fine. Plus you can get in a lot of trouble if you get caught. If you want to help you can dry the bowls.”


Fynn nodded, finishing wiping down the table. "That's good to know."


”yeah I'll tell you whos good and who isn't during the day, ” he said as he finished wiping the table.

Ava finished off the last bowl and handed it to Nyk.