forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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Everyone could feel the tension after Kaliyah fell. They all knew that if anyone screwed up at all, they'd all get punished. The girls were all looking around nervously and hoping for the officials to go away. With her mind over in her head, Kaelyn tripped and fell. Everyone looked at her and the officials came toward her, ready to punish her.


An official grabbed Kaelyn’s arm and slapped her.
(Y'all can control the officials if you want btw. I'm like extremely uncreative right know and can't think of much sorry)


Another official grabbed Nyk And pulled her away.
Ava wanted to do something she even moved to do it. But another official appeared in front of her.


Kaelyn struggled to get free. She knew struggling would be of no use, but she had to do something. She saw Ava and Nyk trying to help her and almost yelled at them to stop and that she'd be fine. An official silenced her before she could.


(Yeah Sorry I kind of forgot about this. I can’t really rp tonight and idk if you guys even want to continue this since I honestly have no idea what I wanted this to turn into)