forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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"Yeah, but there was a lot of laundry to do too. And like Ava said, you could've been hurt." Kaelyn said, packing her things up. The break was officially over and the girls all began to walk to the laundry room.


”it doesn't really matter since the majority of clothes are grey. The officials outfits have to be separate though, ” Ava explained.


"Yeah, I got in huge trouble when I accidentally mixed the outfits my first time. Let's just say I learned my lesson.." Kaelyn said, shuddering. That was the first time she had been punished and she knew that it probably wouldn't be the last.


(yeah we do but if what and I can't stay on for her long today.)
Ava threw a load into the machine beside Nyk. She didn't even notice the officials.


Kaliyah picked up a load of clothes, but didn’t see the empty basket in front of her. She tripped and the load of clean clothes fell onto the floor. She gasped and quickly went to pick it up.

(You can hurt Kaliyah if you want lol)


(sorry im back)
The officials walked up and down the rows of washing machines. They were looking for something to get mad about.


The officials were looking for trouble and coincidentally, Kaelyn was trying her hardest to stay out of it. She didn't want anyone in trouble again, but she had seen Kali stumble and fall. I hope they don't punish or hurt her…


(oh shoot sorry didn't realize that Kaelyn had fallen earlier)
One of the officials hovered over Kaelyn. They saw her mess up earlier and gave her a silent shock as warning. But this official was just waiting for her to mess up again.