forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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"I'd run away with you…" Kaelyn said absentmindedly. She was always dreaming of running away from the school, but knew she didn't have the nerves to actually do it. And she certainly wouldn't survive on her own. "If I could, I would totally escape this school, but I'd rather have someone with me. I'd probably die on my own."

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia walked back into the room at this point. "Running away is harder than you think. I've tried it. Before you all got here." She said sitting down on her bed. "You'd need a revolution to get out of this place and that's not happening anytime soon."

@Shadow_Knight group

"I think escape would be better. If you get caught then you die in front of everyone as an example. And most people here wouldn't revolt because all they want to do is survive." Nykidia said. "Escape would be so good though. I've read about woods and the wilderness I would love to see them."


Kaelyn listened to her friends as they discussed this. Escape… Could it be possible.. Maybe for just a day we could go outside and… "What if… we did… find a way to escape? Temporarily. We could just go outside for a little bit." Kaelyn piped up.

@Shadow_Knight group

"If we did that then we'd get beat and some of you might get killed. At least if we escaped for good we'd be outside for awhile and then we'd die. It's like giving a child a lollipop and letting have one lick and then setting it out of there reach." Nykidia explained.


"Oh." Kaelyn replied. "Well, what if we did escape for good? Or maybe we began a revolution here and then escaped in the confusion? We'd just need to get as many people involved as possible… They can't kill all the waits, can they?"

@Shadow_Knight group

"People only worry about there own survival. It's in out DNA. Survival of the fittest. People just want to live. And rebellion threatens survival. But I would love to help you guys escape. At least if we get caught I have a plan to hopefully not get you guys killed." Nykidia said hopping off her bed. "But we need to figure who is in on this and who is out."


"Well I'm sure that the waits would be in. Ethan and Finn definitely. And maybe there are some officials who would help too? I mean- not all officials have to support the government, right? And we've seen them look away at some of the things we do…" Kaelyn said. Was this really happening?

@Shadow_Knight group

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! We are not doing a rebellion. Escape is good but a rebellion will not happen. Not now. We'd need an outside force. There is none. But if we get out then there will be an outside source. We can help the waits and help start a revolution. But we can't start one now. Not here and not now." Nykidia protested.


"But Nyk! What if we did get an outside source? We could get allies who actually want to help us! They outlawed child labor a long time ago until waits came. Why are we forced to work in servitude just because we are different? I had a family, Nyk. A family! And they don't even know- and I- I just-" Kaelyn took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I let my emotions get to me. I just- miss them." Kaelyn said, her voice growing softer.