forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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@Shadow_Knight group

"I'm sorry. I didn't think of that for you. But your family doesn't even know that your here. They were told that you were to get higher education. You thought that too until they knocked you out in the van, Right? Sorry. I have nothing to lose so that's why I talk so freely. I shouldn't of assumed the same for you." Nykidia apologized.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Well… you have been here awhile. I've lost count how many days I've been here. I ask every once in a while just to make sure I haven't missed a birthday." Nykidia said. "But that is why we need to get out of here."


Ana went to the dorm room. She grabbed her sketchbook and a pencil from her bag and then walked over to the other girls. ”what are y'all talking about?” she asked sitting down.


Ava shrugged ”i heard the outside of this place is one of the inhabitable lands. So like I would love to see all the interesting climates and landscapes but if you guys plan on escaping you'll need a way to get to shelter.” she said not even having to think about it.


”I didn’t have to over hear you. Everyone here wants to escape. Asking about the outside means you guys were talking about it,” she said before opening up her sketch book.


Fynn sat in his dorm, surprised that they had any free time at all. He fell back onto his bed and spread his arms out wide, sighing dramatically. The only thing Fynn had brought to entertain himself was a book, which he had unfortunately already finished.


“Definitely Ethan. He’s good with this type of stuff. He just doesn’t like to wait and plan it out. I’m not sure about the new kid Fynn but if Ethan’s his mentor he should be fine,” Ava explained.


Ethan had followed Fynn into the dorm. “You wanna do anything during brake?” He asked going over to his own bunk.

He sat up dramatically. "Absolutely. I'm super bored." Fynn was glad that he had Ethan as a roommate. The older boy seemed to know his way around.


”let's go check out what the girls are doing. They are probably in there dorm, ” Ehan said as he grabbed his notebook from his bag.

Ava nodded in agreement.


"Are we allowed in their dorms?" Fynn asked cautiously, standing up.


Kaelyn listened intently as everyone talked about it. Ava walked in and Kaelyn glanced up for a minute wondering whether she should tell her. But Ava knew anyway. And everyone talked about what they could do. Kaelyn wasn't sure how anything was gonna happen, but maybe if they got enough people involved….. something could happen.


“We need a way to talk about this discreetly.” Kaliyah said pick up her book and writing a passage inside. Avery looked around at the others “is this a good idea?” She asked the Kaliyah passed the book around