forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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Kaelyn watched as Nyk was dragged away to solitary confinement. She wished she could do something, or anything. But before anyone could think of anything, Nyk was gone and thrown into solitary. Not Nyk….

@Shadow_Knight group

"No. NO. Nonononononono." She was back in the room. No. She remembered laughing but everything else was blurred out. She remembers something about Ethan getting punished and Fynn but other than that, nothing. She sighed. She asked Night. "What happened?" "…………." "Good. Fynn doesn't need to get in trouble yet. How long am I going to be here?" "…" "That's okay. Do me a favor? Watch after them instead of being with me." "…" "I'll be fine. I just don't want them getting hurt because of me, OK? "…" "Yeah, you can check on me just I want you looking after them most of the time. Promise me?" "…" "Thank you"


Fynn tapped his foot impatiently, not able to calm himself. Where did they take Ethan and that girl? What will happen to them? He thought as he scanned the room for any signs of the two that were taken away.


Ava looked over at Kaliyah. “Hey it’s alright. I think they just put her in solitary. She’ll be out in a few hours,” she said trying to give a reassuring smile.

Ethan still kneeled infront of everyone on the stage.


“You know how she gets.” She said, worried for her safety.

(I have a question. From what the road sounds like, it seems as if the boys are 2 to a room and the girls are cramped into one very large room with beds, desks, and closets. Is that how it is?)


(From what I planned out a while back there are 5 boy dorms and 5 girl dorms. 20 people in each dorm. But because this is an rp the other people just like don’t exist. Also the dorms are just a really long room with only bed. In my original plan it’s bunks but we can just have beds.)


A few minutes after Nyk was dragged away, and Ethan was still kneeling in the front, an official yelled at the waits to hurry up and finish breakfast. There was a heavy tension in the air as the waits finished their breakfasts. Although this type of stuff wasn't uncommon, it still left an uneasiness in the air that didn't seem to go away for some time.


A few minutes after Nyk was dragged away, and Ethan was still kneeling in the front, an official yelled at the waits to hurry up and finish breakfast. There was a heavy tension in the air as the waits finished their breakfasts. Although this type of stuff wasn't uncommon, it still left an uneasiness in the air that didn't seem to go away for some time.


Ava finished her food. She left her bowl on the table and stood up. Her dorm has kitchen cleanup.
Ethan continued to kneel still. His knees were numb and he new that they were probably already bleeding. He hoped that this would be over soon. His dorm has hall clean up and he has to teach Fynn the ropes.


Fynn reluctantly finished up his breakfast, then began to look around for anyone that could tell him what they were supposed to do next.


An official forced Ethan onto his feet. He almost fell down when he felt the pain in his legs. He mumbled a quick ‘thank you sorry sir” before carefully limping over to Fynn. “Hey kid!”

Ava whent into the kitchen area. She waited for the rest of her dorm.


Fynn perked up a bit at the sounds of Ethan's voice. He turned around, trying his best to keep his expression neutral. "Ethan! Are you alright? Did you get hurt? What happened?"


“I’m fine. Just some rice to the knee,” he said nervously laughing. His lower legs had little indents. Some of the rice still attached and quite a few spots were bleeding. “Come on we have to clean up.” He smiles softly. He whent over and picked up two containers to hold dishes. He handed one to Fynn. Many of the others from there dorm were doing the same. “Just put the bowls in the containers and tell me when it’s full.”


He nodded, not fully believing that Ethan was 'fine'. Fynn began filling the first container with empty bowls, stacking them to save space.
(Notebook is acting up again so I might respond late)

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia sat in the white room tapping her fingers and counting. It helped pass the time. "I wonder how long I'll be in here?" she said aloud. There was nothing else to do. So she did the only thing that helped calm her. She sang about everything. Night. Everyone here. How she loved to sing. About her dreams. About her Nightmares. She was almost singing so loud she could barely hear herself. (Same with me)


Kaelyn, following Kali, waited for her assignment of the day. Most days, she was in class with her dorm mates, but the assignment itself changed just about everyday.

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia's singing slowed down and came to a stop. "…" "Getting ready for work? Ok that's good. I thought I would of been out longer. My body must be getting used to the drugs they use to put me asleep." Nykidia said as she sighed. "I hope I get out soon. I hate the white walls. They remind me that I can never be normal. Never will be anything other than a wait to people." "…" "I know you don't think of me as that but still."

@Shadow_Knight group

(Psst will Nykidia join the others or…?)
Nykidia started singing again. Hoping someone would hear her and let her out or someone would at least join. That was not likely though. She was more likely to get shot than that.


(Oh sorry. Let’s lile pretend she was in there for longer or something)
The official open the door and forced Nykidia out of her room. “Your dorms in kitchen duty,” he said before excoriating her to the kitchen.

”we have kitchen cleanup” she told her dorm mates before turning around and walking to the kitchen.