forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Firiko dodged treetrunks, flying fast and low. he whipped up into the branches, dodging around them, constantly using the momentum to speed up.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix used his speed and knowledge from all of his training as a warrior to know where to fly. He flew down when there were too many branches. But stayed high. He kept his wings closed slightly at times to better avoid the branches, the length of his wings at times were to long for the short distance between the trees.

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Firiko almost glided through the branches, his wings held close but outspread at a tight angle. He used his body to direct his weight, his wings shifting position fluidly as he glided around the branches never stopping no matter how thick they were.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix flew out of the trees and towards the ridge. He had his wings fully extended not really flapping them but gliding. Gliding was a fast fluid motion while flapping only took up time to increase speed slightly and height.

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Firiko burst from the trees just behind him, wings held in close as he rocketed out of the trees. His wings slowly extended, just enough for a sharp turn near the rockface before heading back towards the trees, flying low through the underbrush.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix touched the rocks and quickly spun and dove down into the trees. His wings close and closed mostly. He glided quickly through the forest high enough that he wouldn't deal with many branches.

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Firiko stayed low this time. swerving easily through the trees, picking up speed as he flew.

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Firiko shot out at the same time Calix did, his wings snapped open as soon as he was free of the trees, pumping to fly faster.

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Firiko landed, skidding to a stop at pretty much the same time as Calix. "You're fast I'll give you that!" said Firiko with a grin.

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"Lots of practice running from monsters!" laughed Firiko.
Damian came over, "I thought you were faster than that cuz!"

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"Yeah, minus the fact that getting caught would be very nasty." said Firiko, standing properly, ignoring his cousin.

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"Unfortunately for me it was a tie." he said, "I couldn't tell who touched down first with the wind that was kicked up."

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Firiko grinned, "He's just a sore loser." he said, "I honestly think it was a tie."

@Darkblossom group

Serenade was lounging on a nearby rock.
“You guys a surprisingly slow for winged beings. I guess that comes from not being made entirely of magic.”

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Firiko frowned, "I was actually holding back by not shifting" he said. "And give me a little fire boost and I would've beaten him by a long shot."