forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Damian slowly relaxed, still very wary.
Firiko perked up at the mention of a special hidden portal. "I might know of one…" he said softly as the cat walked by. His wings were held loosely at either side of him, and he was still sprawled on the floor.

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"Just north of here, there was a cavern that held a small pond.." said Firiko, "The whole area emitted a strange aura."

@Darkblossom group

Moon and Glimmer came dashing over, excitedly waving their tails as Firiko spoke.
“We can go home! Where exactly did you see it? What did the cavern look like?” Moon spoke in a rush, bouncing up and down.

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Firiko quickly gave them directions, soon feeling much better than earlier.
(The writer is too lazy to write out the dialogue…)

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Firiko watched them go, before going back to staring at the ceiling.

@Darkblossom group

(Who knew that three adorable Kats would be boring to RP)
Moments after the three Kats left, someone else walked in, a human girl with big, white bird wings. She seemed very shaken, and stumbled into a chair.

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(Well you're very good at switching characters at least!)
Firiko watched the new featherbound being walk in, his own feathers twitching a little when he noticed how upset she looked.

@Darkblossom group

Serenade put her head in hands and quietly cried, taking deep breaths to recover. Images flashed through her mind of a bloody wing laying on the ground, trees drenched in blood, and new ones of a darkness slowly suffocating her.

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Firiko got up and walked over to her, "You ok miss?"

@Darkblossom group

“I met this person called Azalane. She almost suffocated me. I barely made it here after she let me go.” Serenade shuddered, her silver-tipped brown hair falling around her face.

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Firiko paled a little, but pulled her into a light hug, wrapping his wings around her to form a safe coccoon.

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Firiko sighed when he felt her relax, "You ok now?" he asked softly,

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Firiko pulled away, ruffling his feathers. "My name's Firiko, what's yours?"

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"The pleasure is mine…" said Firiko, bowing slightly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw's ear twitched at the sound of a light tapping nearby. She looked up and there was a small, squirrel-like creature outside the window. It squeaked at her before jumping away, and a moment later, it squeezed through the slightly open tavern doors. Riverpaw gently swatted Tsunami, who had started to drift off for a nap, and the wolf lifted her head. "Zu?" The little creature went right up to the two, jumping up and perching herself on the arm Riverpaw held out. "Miss Riverpaw, Master Tsunami." She bowed her head at both of them, receiving nods in return. The messenger proceeded to give them a few updates about the forest since Tsunami's departure. Apparently most of the creatures were not used to the Guardian being away for so long, and were starting to worry.