forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Darkblossom group

Serenade took a sip of the water, then almost spit it out. She grimaced and took another sip, disliking how it was much less fresh than the water on her island.

@Knight-Shives group

Vasilios when back to the bar and looked at all the things in front of him. Calix came out of the back room and scared Vasilios. "CALIX! WHY!" He yelled

"Sorry, not sorry." Calix replied smiling. "Alright you could leave now, I bet you have better things to do."

"Yeah. Alright." He said then hugged Calix and walked out of the tavern.

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Firiko raised an eyebrow in confusion, sitting down on a nearby unsmashed chair.

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Damian looked up, "Count me in" he said,
"Me too!" said Firiko.

@Darkblossom group

Serenade sighed.
“Can I not? I don’t like beginning games, especially since I haven’t played this one in a long time. It’s hard to play truth or dare on a secluded island.”

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"Whatever you do don't let him start either" said Damian, pointing to Firiko.

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"Cause he'll dare me to fight him.. and he'll humiliate me again." said Damian flatly.
Firiko rolled his eyes. "Hey you don't know that I'd do it!"

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Firiko got up and went over, sniffing it he sipped some, then downed the whole thing. "Mind telling me what that was?"