forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Darkblossom group

As Moon was flung across the room, she spread out her legs, and landed semi-gracefully on the ground. Spirit quickly rushed over to help her friend, glaring daggers at the wolf.

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"Heyo, I get the whole mortal enemies thing between you two, but y'all are in someone else's place," Runner said. "If there's a problem, take it outside to be respectful, yeah?"

@Darkblossom group

"Heyo, I get the whole mortal enemies thing between you two, but y'all are in someone else's place," Runner said. "If there's a problem, take it outside to be respectful, yeah?"

(If you are referring to mortal enemies as in cats vs dogs, that has nothing to do with Moon’s anger as these Kats don’t have those instincts.)
Spirit’s paws lit up with swirling green magic, and she used her healing magic on Moon. Moon slowly picked herself up off the ground, not taking her eyes off the wolf.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw kept her eyes on the cats, just in case, but spoke quietly to Tsunami. "Are you okay?" The wolf grunted, lifting her head and shaking her fur, small bits of black fuzz floating off of her. "Being a divine entity, and not completely of this world, makes avoiding injuries inflicted by foreign magic quite easy. I'm fine, child, don't worry." She turned to ruffle Riverpaw's hair with her nose. Then, she looked over at Calix and huffed. "Uh, s-she says she's sorry for the small conflict. I-it won't happen again." Riverpaw translated.

@Darkblossom group

The trio of Kats pad to the back of the tavern, sitting underneath a table that hadn’t been crushed earlier by Enderstorm’s unexpected transformation. They whispered among themselves, glaring angrily at Tsunami and Riverpaw.

@Knight-Shives group

Soon Vasilios came back in and walked right over to Calix. "I'll take over for you. Go." he said, Calix nodded put the mop away and walked out of the room and into the back room.
Calix didn't want to admit he was tired and had a migraine currently, the break would be nice.

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Firiko tensed when the demon came back, but didn't say anything.
Damian kept one eye on the cats, and his other on the demon, keeping his ears on his cousin, still in wolf form.

@Darkblossom group

Glimmer padded up to the demon, hoping onto a stool in front of the counter. (I’m assuming there is a counter?)
“Do you have anything Kat-friendly? Like, anything sweet that won’t get us drunk?” She asked.

@Darkblossom group

“Yes I just said that. Do you have anything sweet, too? Where we come from basically everything tastes much sweeter than down here,” says Glimmer.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsuanmi sat back against the wall, next to the window, and Riverpaw sat closer than she had been before, looking around more cautiously and hugging Tsunami's leg. "I-I told you we shouldn't have come out here. Why couldn't we have just gone to the waterfall instead?" She asked, though not directly to the wolf, who rolled her eyes and turned her head to stare out the window.

@Darkblossom group

Spirit quietly stepped closer to the wolf, trying not to appear threatening.
“Sorry about Moon. She can be intense. My name is Spiriting River, but everyone calls me Spirit.” She apologizes to the wolf, trying to make up for her friends bad behavior.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami gazed down at the cat for a moment, then nodded courtly. "It is quite alright. I can understand the drive of those sworn to a greater name." Riverpaw nodded as well.

@Darkblossom group

Glimmer grabbed the drink with magic, it seeming to levitate near her. She squinted her eyes in concentration, trying to keep the drink afloat. She brought it over to her friends, and all three began lapping it up.

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Damian finally shifted again, moving back to a chair that hadn't been smashed. He was still watching the cats, and the wolf, and his cousin. He felt like there might be an explosion at any moment.

@Darkblossom group

The three Kats finished off the drink, licking their lips. They argued amongst themselves, too quiet for anyone else to hear, then Spirit padded up to the bartender, jumping onto the counter so she was at eye level with him.
“Do you know anything about a portal around here, maybe with an infinity pool, hidden in a cave?”