forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Darkblossom group

Enderstorm finally stops crying, and begins using the discarded towel to wipe off the blood on her face.
“Sorry about the blood on the floor,” Foxchild says to Calix.

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Firiko studied the wolf, finally registering her and the girl. Are they??

@Darkblossom group

Suddenly, in a puff of purple dust specks, a tall, black, humanoid creature appears in the room. It’s skin is old and wrinkled, and it carries a handful of dirt in its left hand.
“Empress, we have finally found you. We must leave immediately.” Enderstorm pauses and looks up at the creature, still sitting on the floor. Foxchild nods and helps her up.
“We gotta go now. See ya, strangers.” The creature puts a hand on both Foxchild’s and Enderstorm’s shoulders, and teleports them away.
(I want to bring new characters in, but didn’t want to have to manage more than two people at once)

@Darkblossom group

Almost as soon as the purple dust settled, the door slammed open and three strange looking cats rushed in. One was blue with some darker blue markings, another was green with white patches, and the last one was white with yellow stripes and a yellow star-like mark on her forehead. They were all about 2 feet tall, and their eyes were just black pits with white, blue, green and yellow specks, respectively.
“Where are we now, Moon?” The white one called to the blue one, Moon.
“I thought the portal would lead us to a city or something, not this place,” Moon defended herself to Glimmer(the white cat).

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Firiko stared when he saw the cats, his wings still puffed from Enderstorm's screams.

@Darkblossom group

The green cat(Spirit) noticed the puddle of blood left by Enderstorm, and licked it, trying to figure out what it was. She tasted it, and her eyes widened. She quickly scrambled away from the blood.
“That stuff is gross! What grounder could shed so much blood and live?” She says to her friends.

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Damian was soon watching the trio also, huffing a little at the scent of cat fur.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Tsuna…w-what are they?" Riverpaw whispered to her guardian, who made a low sound in her throat. "Don't know. They've got some unusual energies I can't quite pinpoint."

@Darkblossom group

Glimmer noticed everyone looking at them, and pushed her way in front of her friends.
“My name is Golden Glimmer. We are from Starry Valley. We may look small and weak, but I assure that we are perfectly capable of defending ourselves.” All three summoned their magic, making strangely colored fire dance around their paws.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami huffed quietly. "Ah, of course - Starry Valley inhabitants." She sat back down, brushing Riverpaw with her tail to let her know it was okay. "Starry Valley?" Riverpaw asked, continuing to whisper. "I've never been there myself, but I've heard about it. If you want, you can always go up to them and-" Riverpaw cut her off with a frantic shake of her head.

@Darkblossom group

(Just curious, are you actually at all familiar with my characters, or just pretending for the sake of RP?)
Moon stared suspiciously at the wolf, never having seen a creature quite like it.
“What are you?” She asks Tsunami.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

(I've checked out your characters before…but I'm mostly pretending. o-o')
Tsunami bowed her head in greeting. "My name is Tsunami. I am a White Wolf, a sort of..'angel' amongst the animals of my home."

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami's ears twitched curiously, and she glanced at Riverpaw. "Well, a wolf is a kind of animal, and an angel is…hm. A deity of sorts? A powerful creature."

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw looked up at Tsunami, who huffed quietly. "Well, perhaps you know of only one in your land, but I can assure you, there are many. And they aren't all called angels. Care to tell about this deity of yours?" She reach up a paw to scratch at her ear as Riverpaw sat down next to her, curious of these cats.

@Darkblossom group

Moon hisses, unsheathing her claws.
“Don’t speak such blasphemy to my face, wolf! It is my solemn duty to uphold the Goddess’s law, you heathen!” The other two stand behind Moon, Spirit watching her worryingly and Glimmer silently cheering her on.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami narrowed her eyes and tipped her head up a bit. "Yes, yes, we Guardians know about your dear goddess and how you all keep her name and law clean of the filth of those who may wish to defy. I meant no ill words." Riverpaw scooted further behind Tsunami, making a worried sound. "But, simply put, your 'Goddess' is not the only that exists."

@Darkblossom group

Moon narrows her eyes, crouches down and pounces on the wolf, screeching and clawing with all her might. She tears at the flesh of the wolf, igniting its fur on fire with her magic.

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He snorted, putting his drink down as some of the carbonation flowed up into his nose.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami jumped up, yelping and shaking her body to try and get cat off. When that didn't work, she turned her head and grabbed the cat by its scruff, pulling her off and flinging her away. She backed up and lowered her head, growling as Riverpaw fussed over her singed fur. She brought her tail around the girl protectively. "There is no need to fight, cat; not in here. You would do well to keep your claws to yourself in front of my charge."