forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Yama: To add on top of that, my dad has Bending magic. He passed that onto me, and I can control earth and refined minerals with my mind. Magic users are the really rare ones, where I'm from. There's like, what, about 150 of us, maybe?


Yama: Ooh, fancy! I've got a little something that I like to use.
The ground rumbles from behind his seat, and sprouting from the floorboards is a massive pommel, then a handle, then an intricately carved cannon, and then a massive chunk of black rock. These all fit together to create a warhammer as tall as he is.

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Nim turned to Nellie. "I know that smile. What are you up to?"

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Nim stared at the weapon before her, eyes wide. "Now, now Dragon… This is no time to be comparing weapons." She let out a laugh


Yama: I've got a hoard of weapons at home, this is usually what I use when fighting wyverns, other dragons, or a lot of angry humans.


Nellie gasped theatrically. "I am bringing together the species so that I may bring peace to the world and we can all live in har-" she started laughing. "I got so close that time."


Nellie smiles. "I was joking, Zephen. Nim asked me what I was up to. I gave her a sarcastic answer. I almost got through it seriously this time." She touched Zephen's wrist and sent a flood of calming through her.