forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

Welcome to the tavern, where people from what are called fantasy worlds can go and be themselves. Magic is allowed here and can be used here.

You don't have to put your character up just start and join.

Characters in the Tavern

Nellie - Emmy Jones
half- nymph/ Zephen - Cookie dough
Half-Dragon man/ Yamatsukami - Yamatsu
Tobias - Surithtsunderewolf13
White Wolf and a Forest Guardian/ Tsunami & Riverpaw - Riverpaw
Bounty hunter mountain elf/ Nimuae - Tinyzombiecat
Half angel/ Calix - Shiver


The door opens with a puff of dirt, and a Half-Dragon man walks in. He tucks in his wings and keeps his tail close to his legs.
Yamatsukami: Uhh… Was this the spot for the meet-and-greet?

Deleted user

Tobias stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, scoping the place out.
'This'll do.' He thought to himself, walking in and sitting at the head counter.


Yama: For some reason, I have the worst constitution, despite being the son of a DRAGON and a woman that drinks most men under the table. Also, I'm older than at least two of you combined. Thank you for the compliment!

@TinyMagicWolf pets

A large, furry white head pushes the door open a bit, and the large wolf's pale blue eyes peer around cautiously. It doesn't seem like there are too many people, so Tsunami glances back at the short, brown-haired girl standing behind her, and walks inside. The brown ears atop of Riverpaw's head twitch as she keeps close to her White Wolf companion, who leads her to a table in the back of the room.


"Jeez, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to upset you," Zephen replies, then softens, "Look, I really am sorry. I get how it feels to get disrespected because you look young."


Yama: Oh, no! Laughs I'm not offended! I don't really care all that much. Though it is weird to tune out for a few months and realize that restaurant you like going to is closed. Then, a few years later, when you reminisce about it and you feel SO OLD.


"ah, that's hard," Zephen says, returning her gaze to Yama, "So, you're half dragon. I'm half-wind nymph. Small world,". Zephen uses her wind powers to lift her glass to her lips.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw took a deep breath as she moved the seat from one side of the table to her side so she could set her bow down on it. Tsunami sat on the other side and lay her head on the table, giving the girl a hopeful look. "I-it's…not too bad..yet. Something bad a-always happens outside the forest." Riverpaw whispered. Tsunami raised her brow, and Riverpaw huffed. "Y-yeah, yeah, a 6 foot White Wolf and a Forest Guardian, I-I get it. But still."

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"Here." Tobias said, materializing a tankard out of thin air. "Fill this up with your strongest drink." He adds, paying two coins up to the table.