forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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the door to the tavern opens and in walks a figure in a long deep purple cloak, face obscured except for the gleam of a pair of eyes. She walks over to the bar and sits. Her eyes roam over each person within the space. Turning to the barkeep she extends a silver coin out with a single finger.
"One Moon ale if you have it."

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami tilted her head at the nymph, wondering what the outburst was about. Riverpaw started to worry, hoping she hadn't upset her. Tsunami had noticed the bracelets on the girl's arm and thought for a moment that she recognized them.


Zephen glanced at the new figure. She liked to know everything going on in her sorroundings. An old habit, she guessed, but she didn't want to think about that time in her life. At least not right now.


Zephen smiled. The girl had a backstory, too then. Sadly, she doubted she would learn it. After all, she never told anyone about her's. "Good guess. Do you come here often?"

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Nimuae turned to the pair in the corner. The young one with the lavender hair looked vaguely familiar, but when you were several millennia old most everyone started to look familiar. Besides she wasn't the one Nimuae was looking for.
But with the girl in obvious distress and looking right at her she couldnt help but give her a small closed lipped smile. No need to distress her further with fangs.

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This time Nimuae did smile, her double pair of elongated fangs flashing in the dim light of the room. "Well well, if it isn't Nellie. How are you little one?" she purred

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"Quite the bit of trouble you caused back in the city," Nimuae said proudly, gesturing vaguely to her left in the direction of the city in question. Her cloak parted as she did so exposing an impressive set of deadly knives and a whip. "You're lucky I'm not the one going after that bounty."


(@TinyZombieKat Ok soI like this kind of mentor/student thing we've got, but we should clarify how we know each other. And I haven't made a backstory yet, so are we both bounty hunters or monster hunters or something??)

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(@Emmy Jones - hey! hi! My character is a bounty hunter. I was feeling maybe we've run into each other a few times and I admire your youth and nature so I let you do whatever and keep others off your tail. Up to you!)


Yama, who's been letting this scene play out, is slightly wary of any human bounty hunters. He finishes his drink and orders some food.

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(sweeeeeeeet. I'm just making stuff up as I go along. Lolz)

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Nimuae's eyes slide over to the half-dragon across the bar, "You don't see many of your kind around these parts. Where are you from?"


Yama: The mountains. I never really left until a few years ago, the whole deal where I'm from is that interspecies anything is forbidden, magic is forbidden, and we're kinda on the brink of a four-way war. It's a lot to explain in one sitting, but basically three sides are about to tear the place apart and my family is trying to find other magic users to… threaten? them into calming down for five seconds so we can all negotiate.