forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Nimuae listened quietly. It pained her to hear such things coming from ones so young. Recalling her own troubled youth, she leaned towards the bartender and set a small stack of shining coins in front of him. "Her drinks are on me."

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"I doubt it, little one, but-" She threw back her hood to reveal her long pointed ears and shock of silvery black hair "when you're one of the last of the High Mountain Elves sometimes you can relate to being oppressed and forced into a life you never wanted."

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Nim glanced at Yama "I heard that there was a dragon spawn wandering these parts but i couldn't believe it. No one has seen a dragon since I was a girl."
Turning back to Zephen "There are a few of us here and there. Seems our King as a healthy hatred for things he cannot control."


Yama: Where I come from, dragons are everywhere. There are just taboos that forbid any interspecies relationships. According to my mother, "They're all just cowards!"

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This time Nim grinned at she looked at Yama, her fangs flashing. "My people are excellent marksmen and forgers of the metal thats high in the mountains. Practically indestructible once its forged." SHe placed a dirk on the table before her for the dragon to admire.