forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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"Not at all." Tobias replied, taking a drink of ale. His blue eyes slid over to check out the huge, pretty white wolf in the room.


Zephen smirked. While she came off as cheery, she had a sarcastic side. She glanced down at her arm, where she was fidgeting with her bracelet. It had 7 cold metal beads on it. One for every person she killed.


Yama's eyes widen as he sees the large wolf. He wonders if he could pet it, but he sees the small girl it is seemingly protecting, and decides against it.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami lifted her head, taking another look around as Riverpaw distracted herself with a few birds that had flown up to the nearby window. The wolf caught sight of a few people that seemed to be staring, and she narrowed her eyes in a warning manner, hoping they weren't planning on causing trouble. She wanted Riverpaw to actually have a reason to come back here. Riverpaw glanced up at her. "What's wrong?" Tsunami shook her head slightly and turned back with a dog-like smile, trying not to worry her.

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"Nowhere in particular." Tobias responded, running a hand through his blue hair. "You?"

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Tobias turned and scoured the tavern, trying to check everything out.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw sighed, her tail coming up to rest in her lap. "Of all places, Tsuna, w-why would you bring me to a tavern?" Tsunami made a noise in her throat, glancing around the room. "B-but, we can do that in the forest. Without a bunch of s-strangers around." Tsunami rolled her eyes, suddenly stopping on a nymph-looking girl that was getting closer.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw drew her shoulders up and looked away, but Tsunami huffed at her. They both new only Forest Guardians could understand Tsunami and all those of her species, and Riverpaw didn't want to be rude and not answer the girl's question. She glanced at the nymph and answered rather quickly, "S-she's cautious of new people."


Zephen's eyes darted to the girl's ears. A forest gaurdian. Suddenly, memories came flooding back into Zephen's mind. Memories she worked hard to repress. She fidgetted with her bracelet more and more, becoming aware that the girl was watching her.


A young girl who looks about 16 walks into the tavern. Her short black hair is spiked up. She walks straight over to the counter and asks if they have any firewhisky.


Nellie saw the girl crying and walked over to her. She said nothing, only pulled up a chair next to her. She knew what this girl was feeling.