forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hmm, never thought of it like that," Cinthia said, sitting on the other side of Lily. "I guess we do." She smirked and leaned towards the other two. "Don't tell Rhydar, but I've caught him giving homeless children some of the money he gets from his loot. And to poor citizens, too."


That was surprising, but Lily's smile grew a bit. "Not as uncaring as he likes to pretend, then. Interesting." She didn't lean away from Cinthia, the way she might normally have done, but stayed where she was.


"You are interesting." Lily said defensively, obviously not offended by the statement. "Of all the people I've met in my life, you are all quite different."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Lemme guess," Cinthia said, tapping her lips jokingly. "Is it because we aren't as prim and proper as we're supposed to be?" Wolf snickered at that, commenting on how they're a 'family of thieves', so obviously they're not normal.


"Partly, but not quite. I do think I prefer this over the alternative though." Lily shot back, eyes sparkling with amusement. She could forget, for a moment, about everything, and enjoy the peace and normalcy.


Lily scrunched up her nose as she though, looking off at the wall. "You've been nothing but kind to me, for starters. All of you that I've met. Your relationships with each other are just interesting to watch, interaction-wise, as well."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf tilted his head curiously. "We have no reason to be assholes, that's why we're so nice."

Cinthia tilted her head the opposite way. "What do you mean, our relationships are interesting to watch?"


"You'd be surprised how many people are assholes, simply because they can be." Lily said, shrugging a shoulder. "And I don't see all that many positive interactions a lot, so it's interesting to watch the differences."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hmm," the twins hummed at the same time. "I guess us two are just close by nature, having shared the womb and all. Rhdyar's alright once you get past his childishness. Maggie's just a giant teddy bear that everyone loves," Wolf mused.

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I never realized how weird it is to be Facebook stalked until today…)

"Maybe," the twins said at the same time. Wolf spoke next, shrugging. "We all get along and all, but we usually go off on our own when we've got some down time."

@ElderGod-kirky group

((My dad posted two pics of me on his FFDP fan pages, and this one Brazilian dude said I was beautiful, and then proceeded to Facebook stalk my dad to find ME and send me a friend request))

The twins nodded, then looked at each other with a mischievous gleam in their eyes. Their lips quirked up as they looked at Lily. Cinthia asked the other girl, "Hey, you hungry?"


((That's like….hella creepy.))

Lily raised an eyebrow at Cinthia, before looking at Wolf. "I…guess?" The mischievous looks made her wary, but at the same time, curious.

@ElderGod-kirky group

((Why do I always attract the creepy ones?))

Wolf piped up. "How about we go see what's cookin'?" he asked as a slow grin crept up the twins' lips.


Lily wrinkled her nose, but huffed a laugh. "I assume this is the sneaking you were telling me about? Am I going to get first-hand experience of this?"

((Idk man. Be careful tho))

@ElderGod-kirky group

((I'll try))

Cinthia smirked and stood up. "Whatever do you mean? We're royals: we never sneak around." Wolf chuckled and looked to Lily to see if she was up to it.


"That certainly didn't seem to be the case earlier." Lily quipped, shooting an amused look to Cinthia as she stood as well. "It'd be good to learn my way around the castle, so I don't end up lost again."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf was the last to stand, and he offered a hand to Lily. "Milady, mind if I do the honor of showing you around the palace?" Cinthia smothered her laughter as she wordlessly went ahead, scouting out their path to avoid guards and other guests.


Lily snorted, and after a moment of slight hesitation, took the offered hand. "That would be lovely, m'lord." She said, adding on a posh accent as a small smile played on her lips.