forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yes, that's so," he said with an adorable smile, kissing her nose and turning back around before Nevarra got any ideas. "Okay, your turn. What questions do you have for me?" he asked. His thumb brushed over the back of her hand in slow patterns, running up and down and back again.


She hummed thoughtfully, tilting her head as she did. What to ask…nothing too serious, obviously, not that she really would on purpose. They were on a date anyway, and those were supposed to be fun, right? "What's your favorite hobby? Just something you like to do as often as you can, besides stealing?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

He opened his mouth to say just that, then closed it and pouted when she said 'besides stealing.' "You're no fun," he whined, then sighed and tilted his head to think. "Well, riding is a close one, but I'd say piano. I don't get to do it very often, but I love doing it whenever I can."


“At least now I know you have other interests.” She teased lightly, almost wanting to reach for his hand after the mention of playing the piano. Just to look at his fingers, of course. And maybe to hold it. “When do you usually get to play the piano?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Once or twice a month?" he guessed regretfully. "From not being around much to my mother's dislike for my interests, as well as princely things, I just never had the chance." He shook his head and looked down, drawing a square over the back of Lily's hand over and over again.


She smiled brightly as he traced squares onto her hand, arms tightening around him slightly. “We should find a way for you to play more. Somewhere in the city where you can go when you have time. Admittedly, I would love to hear you play.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He smiled softly, tightening his grip on her hand briefly before resuming the squares. "I'd love that," he murmured, thinking to himself about what he would play for her. "What about you?" he said to her after a small stretch of contemplative silence, "What do you enjoy doing, besides admiring flowers and talking to animals?"


“You don’t have to let me listen, you know.” She pointed out, pausing to think about his question. “Oh. Um….I like reading? And that’s tied with anything to do with music, I guess. I used to sing my younger sisters to sleep, and I’ve always loved finding places where people perform music.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He smiled to himself. "Then I'm most definitely finding time to play for you. Who knows? Maybe we could put on a show for some people in the city? You, the star of the show, and me, your faithful provider of music to compliment your angelic voice."


She huffed a laugh, shaking her head before pressing her face to his back as though embarrassed already. “First of all, you would be the star, not me. I’m not star quality. And second, I would hardly call my voice angelic. Not even close.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He chuckled, making his shoulder shake slightly. "First of all, doubtful. And second, I'd love to be the judge of that. Care to offer me a taste of you angelic voice," he said, slightly teasing her with the angelic part again as he grinned over his shoulder.


She lifted her head as he shook his shoulder, making a face at him. And then he kept talking, and she blinked. “Judge? You mean now? I haven’t sang in years, Rhydar. I probably sound horrible and likely barely remember any songs other than lullabies.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He sighed dejectedly, though it was more a joke than actual disappointment. "Fiiine. But I do want to hear you sing sometime. You should practice while you're here, at the palace," he offered. "Give you something to do in your undoubtedly plentiful free time."


“You sound so disappointed. You aren’t missing much, dear.” She assured, toying lightly with the fabric of his shirt as he traced shapes into her hand. “But you’re right, practice might be enjoyable. I’m sure at least one of the libraries, the palace or city one, would have music sheets I could use. Music other than lullabies in my home tongue.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He let go of her hand to reach over his shoulder and gently brush his fingers over her cheek and jaw, saying, "I'm only a tad disappointed that you think so lowly of yourself. I'm sure you'll be amazing after getting back into it."


She leaned into his touch without hesitation, her eyes closing slightly. “Mm. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you aren’t amazing at something.” Of course, she was wrong about her own talents, but she believed she was mediocre at best. Average, even if she wasn’t.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He ran his fingers back and forth along an invisible line on her cheek. Her skin was so smooth and soft. "True. I do it all the time. I'm just saying that I think, from what I've gathered so far, you have yet to fail to be amazing. That's all." He glanced down as Nevarra snorted and shook her head, making sure there was nothing on the road out of habit, and relaxed when it was nothing. Just the mare making some noise.


“That’s an opinion you’ve founded. I can’t help feel like I’m fooling you somehow.” She said, frowning slightly as he tensed. “Something wrong?” Despite him relaxing, she asked anyway, as though making sure.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yeah," he reassured her, looking back at her with a small smile to show her that he was fine. "Just a habit. Kaspa makes a noise whenever someone he doesn't like comes up." He lifted his hand from her face up to her hair to play with it, curling it around his finger. "And you're not fooling me, Lily. I like to think of myself as a good judge of character."


“Makes sense. I was worried for a second something was-“ The word ‘wrong’ never made it past her lips as he began playing casually with her hair, her face warming slightly. Sure, she’d played with his hair, but the only time he had touched hers was while he was putting it up. “O-oh. That’s-well, I’m glad you think I’m not just fooling you.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He grinned, catching her reaction to him playing with her hair, then dropped his hand to his lap once again. "Nah, you're not fooling me. You're you—Lily—and Lily never pretends to be who she's not. She's this smart, flower-loving girl that's as genuine as they come, and who happens to be amazing in my eyes."


The red in her face grew deeper as he noticed her reaction, only continuing as he spoke. “I-smart? Whatever would make you think that? And your judgement seems clouded if you think I’m that amazing.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Face it, Lily," he cooed, loving this, "you're never going to change my mind. Yes, we all have flaws, but the thing about caring about someone is looking past them to see the goodness and strengths beneath. So no, my judgement isn't clouded, it's as crystal clear as ever." He spoke softly as he looked down at her hand around him, grasping it gently and running his fingers over hers.


She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head disbelievingly. “While you’re mostly right, I don’t-there are too many flaws on my part. Way too many.” The slight tenseness in her shoulders eased as he ran his fingers over her own. It was soothing and comforting, even when she didn’t really need comfort. “Enough that there are times I even doubt if I have good left underneath them.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

He pursed his lips, then tugged on the reigns to make Nevarra stop. He didn't give Lily a chance to ask what he was doing before he was turned around in the saddle once again, hands cupping her cheeks and face just a few inches from hers. "Don't say that, Lily. Who's the criminal here? Who's the one that collects flowers and tells people they're better than the dirt they walk on?"