forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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She furrowed her brows, turning her gaze down to her spoon. He'd been looking at her. Why? Her free hand had begun fiddling once more, her anxiety building up in her chest as she tried to reason with herself. He was just looking at you. That doesn't mean anything.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The oven timer dinged, and Cinthia opened it and took out the cookies while Wolf grabbed the cupcakes. They both tested the sweets and nodded at the same time. "Perfect," Cinthia chirped and went back over to the dough to scoop out more for more cookies. Wolf prepared more cupcakes and instructed Rhydar to top the ones that were done with frosting. He complained but did as told.


Lily returned to helping Cinthia roll the cookie dough, using the back of her hand to brush her hair away from her face periodically. The quiet was usually a comfort, though this time around, all it did was leave her alone with her thoughts. Part of her wished someone would speak, to start up a conversation, while another part of her felt that was exactly was she deserved.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Gods dammit Rhydar," Wolf exclaimed with a short laugh. "Have you never frosted cupcakes before?" Cinthia briefly turned around to see what was going on.

Rhydar huffed as he was pushed out of the way, crossing his arms over his chest. "No, no I have not. My job is to eat them, not decorate them. Who cares if it's pretty, anyway?"

"Everyone," the twins said in unison.


Lily glanced over with an eyebrow raised, her shoulders slumping in relief at the distraction, however temporary. Her lips twitched at the twin's comment, and she shook her head, looking to Rhydar. "Trade me?" She offered, motioning to the cookie dough and then where Wolf was working. Rolling dough wasn't all that hard.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He grumbled something incoherent that made Wolf laugh, then looked over at Lily. "Yeah, sure. Cin, you better not make me do flower cookies or some shit," he warned as he came over to where Lily and Cinthia were standing. His eyes flicked back over to Lily briefly.


She huffed a small, quiet laugh, flashing him a small smile as she started over to where he'd been previously. "Would that really be a problem? Flowers are pretty." She said simply, waiting for instructions from Wolf before starting.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar rolled his eyes and listened to Cinthia explain what he had to do for the cookies. Wolf handed Lily one of the pastry bags filled with blue frosting. "Just swirl it around the top of the cupcakes until it's covered," he said, then took his bag and demonstrated his vague instructions for her just in case.


Lily nodded, watching him demonstrate before attempting it herself. "I've never actually frosted cupcakes before, only cakes." She said quietly, nose scrunched in concentration as she frosted the cupcake.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"No worries, they don't need to be pretty," he reassured her. "As Rhydar said, they're just going to get eaten by us anyway." He kept one eye on her as he worked on the next batch of cupcakes.


"I'd rather not horribly mess them up." She said, shaking her head as she finished frosting the cupcake. While she was no professional decorator, the icing wasn't terrible.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He looked over at her work and smiled. "Hey, not bad. You'll be doing great in no time." He grabbed the next batch and headed over to the oven to put them in. Cinthia and Rhydar had finished as well, and she grabbed the cookie sheet and put it in the oven as well. "And now we wait," Wolf said.


"The worst part of baking." She said, shaking her head as she turned to watch him. She had, at some point, managed to get a small bit of icing on the tip of her nose, likely while trying to brush her hair from her face, and was unaware of it.


Lily shrugged a shoulder slightly and tilted her head in agreement. "Making a mess. Not so much the cleanup, but it's fun while it's happening."

@ElderGod-kirky group

His smile grew as he tapped the tip of his nose, heading over to Lily. "Agreed. But you, milady, seen to have a little mess on the tip of that nose of yours."


She furrowed her brows, eyes crossing slightly as she tried to look down at her nose. "I do? How-?" She shook her head, using her thumb to try and wipe it off, but mostly just smudging it a bit.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He chuckled and came up in front of her. "Here, let me. I can see where you somehow frosted your own nose."

Cinthia and Wolf moved to the other side of the room to give the two space, speaking mind-to-mind with each other as they kept each other distracted from Rhydar and Lily.


She sighed, looking up at him and nodding. "It would be appreciated, thank you. I'm still confused as to how it got there in the first place."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"As am I, but we all have hidden talents." He tilted his head as he reached up and tried to wipe off the frosting. His brows scrunched together when it just smeared some more. "Well then," he said then turned to look at Wolf. "What the hell did you put in this stuff?" Wolf just rolled his eyes and tossed a damp cloth over towards Rhydar. He caught it and handed it to Lily.


She accepted the towel, frowning once more as she managed to wipe the frosting off. "Ah-ha." She looked back up at Rhydar, shooting him a small smile. "Thank you."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He returned the smile with a lopsided one of his own. "Don't thank me, thank Wolf." He moved off to the side, leaning on the counter next to Lily, still looking at her.


"Thank both of you." She compromised, looking between the two. "A combined effort." Her gaze settled once more on Rhydar, confused as to why he seemed so focused on her.

@ElderGod-kirky group

They both shrugged, and Rhydar looked up at the clock as he realized something. He groaned and closed his eyes, throwing his head back. "I just remembered that I have to have tea with this group of ladies." He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "I'm regretting letting Mother do this whole thing already."


Lily blinked, biting her lip to hide her smile. He really hated this, didn't he? Shaking her head, she fiddled with her sleeves, this time not out of nervousness. Simply an itch do something. "That doesn't exactly sound all that fun." She commented, amusement lacing her tone.