forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

"To make Rhydar unable to stop looking into them," she said simply, flitting around her room to grab her makeup. She found some lace gloves that were pattered and pulled them on, then came over to Lily and gently pushed her into the seat sitting in front of the vanity.


"Oh." She seemed unaware of how to respond to that, fiddling with her sleeves as she avoided looking at the mirror. Her feelings involving makeup were mostly negative, due to the reasons she'd had to wear it in the past, but now was as good a time as any to get over that. Right?

@ElderGod-kirky group

((I don't do makeup, so I'm gonna be vague with this))

"I'm not going to put a lot," Cinthia said as she turned Lily around so she could work on her eyes. "You won't even feel it, I promise." She lightly touched Lily's chin to tilt her head back, telling her to close her eyes in a slight murmur. She had to get a little close in order to see what she was doing.


Lily obediently closed her eyes, hands clenched into fists in her lap to keep from flinching away. It's just Cinthia. Nobody gets to do anything without your permission. She repeated the thoughts like a mantra as Cinthia lined her lids with the kohl, trying to keep the contents of her stomach settled.

@ElderGod-kirky group

She made quick work of lining her lids with kohl, adding a slight wing to spice it up. She then grabbed a different brush to line her eyelashes as well, darkening them. She pulled back and put her hands on her hips. "Done." She turned the chair around to let Lily see, then started working on her hair.


She hesitantly opened her eyes, turning them to the mirror, and her eyes widened slightly. Some part of her had expected a completely different look, had even expected to see a past version of her in the mirror. This was new though, and something she actually liked. Different. Like you're making progress. "It looks nice." She said quietly, drawing her eyes from the mirror once more.

@ElderGod-kirky group

((I'm going out on a limb here. Was she, like, used as a prostitute or something? Feel free to shoot me down if I'm horribly wrong))

"You look beautiful on your own, but little touches here and there can spruce things up a bit," Cinthia said, brushing her fingers through Lily's hair to smooth it out while she figured out what kind of style it would look best it. Nothing too fancy, but nothing too plain, either. Hmm…


((Somewhat like that, yeah.))

"You definitely seem to know what you're doing. Your hair looks amazing, by the way." Lily commented, lips quirking into a small smile visible in the mirror. "Though not seeing the usual curls was a bit disorienting."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I couldn't straighten it all out, so I just braided the one side and left it slightly curly. It's a nightmare to do anything with." An idea popped into her head and she retreated into her bathroom. After some rummaging around, she came back out with a curler. "Let's get some waves into that hair of yours," she said.


She furrowed her brows, reaching up to touch her hair. "Um-alright? Probably nothing more than waves though, I don't think I could pull off curls the way you do." She said, shaking her head.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Promise, just some waves." She loosely wrapped strands of Lily's hair around the curler, then took it off after a few seconds. It didn't take long to finish that part of her hair, the strands falling down in neat waves. She turned off the curler and grabbed a bit of decoration, then started braiding. After a few quiet moments with Cinthia tilting her head slightly as she concentrated, she was finished. She smiled and placed her hands on the back of the chair. "All done."


Lily had watched what she could carefully, hoping to pick a few things up herself for future use. "It looks…elegant." She said softly, turning her head to get a view of the back. "Any chance I could convince you to teach me how to do some of this?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

Cinthia chuckled and backed away to give Lily some space. "Depends on how bad of a student you are," she said with a smile and playful wink. She looked up as she heard familiar footsteps, her face brightening with a wide grin as a man curiously came up to the doorway.

He was tall, roughly around 6'4, and dark. His dress clothes were mostly black and dark silver. His hair was black and fluffy, some strands falling into his dark and observant eyes. He was built for stealth, with a lean frame and narrow-ish shoulders. His skin had a slight tan to it but was otherwise somewhat pale. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, his voice smooth and neither deep nor high-pitched.


Lily turned her gaze from the mirror, her smile dropping back into her normal neutral look as she studied the man in the doorway carefully. That's a man perfect for spying if I've ever seen one. Her eyes flickered to Cinthia, raising an eyebrow in question, even though she already knew the answer.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Her own face dropped into a stern look, hurriedly going over to him and shoving him out of the door. He just looked more amused than anything as he let her push him. "Demitri Titus Maddex, how many times do I have to teach you how to knock on doors before you enter?" she scolded, marching him out of the room and back into the hall. She proceeded to switch to a different language and give him quite the tongue lashing.


Lily watched Cinthia push him out of the room, torn between confusion and amusement, and settling on some mix of both as she stood. Leaving Cinthia to scold Demitri, she slipped into the bathroom, locking the door before changing quickly.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Once her playful scolding was done, he simply said he'd wait in the hallway until they were done. She shot him a dazzling smile and went back into Lily's chambers. "I hope you're changing and didn't bolt," she said when she found the bathroom door closed and Lily missing.


"It was tempting." She called through the bathroom door, adjusting the dress. "I could have just pulled a Rhydar." She unlocked the door and stepped out, her clothes and boots in hand as she carried them over to the bed. "I figured I'd give you privacy to yell at your…date."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She flapped her hand. "It's not even really a date. Demitri and I have been friends forever, and neither of us really care for these sorts of things, so we just hang out with the food and drinks until it's an acceptable time to leave." Her lips twitched up in amusement as she registered Lily's previous words. "Pulled a Rhydar, hm? Already getting to know him?"


"Who do you think suggested the escape?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at Cinthia as she sat carefully on the edge of the bed. "And maybe I am getting to know him." She shrugged a shoulder, reaching up to fiddle with a strand of hair.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"It's a perfect match, I'm telling you." She found a pair of shoes for Lily to wear and handed them to her. "Here you go," she said. She didn't seem all that bothered that she, herself, wasn't wearing any shoes beneath the hem of her dress.


'You keep saying that." She commented, pulling up the skirt of the dress enough to slip into the shoes. "I'm curious what your reasoning is." Once she'd gotten the shoes on, she returned to fiddling with her hair, now that she couldn't fiddle with her sleeves.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hunch, mostly." Cinthia tapped the side of her head. "I've seen his ideal type, though. You're pretty damn near perfect in his book, but I know he'll be too pigheaded to actually see it for a while." She then loosely crossed her arms beneath her chest. "You're both not a fan of the whole idea of being prim and proper in this kind of life. You actually encouraged him to bail on some tea party. He hasn't tried to run away from you." She smirked and winked. "And you two look cute together."


His ideal type. "Him not running away might just be because my voice isn't fifteen octaves higher than humanly possible." Lily said, wrinkling her nose at the memory of the women she'd met earlier that day. "What exactly does that mean, 'you look cute together'?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Doubtful," Cinthia said simply, then shrugged, "And I mean that you'd make a cute couple." She smiled slightly. "I can see it now: Lily and Rhydar, royal troublemakers gallivanting across the country with their horses, camping under the stars, sitting by the fire, and professing their love for each other as their lips get closer and closer…" She was on the verge of amused giggles as she spoke.