forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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"I can always try on the others at a later time?" She offered hesitantly, trying not to regret the offer. "When we have more time, and you don't have to worry about getting dressed as well?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

Cinthia thought for a little bit, then nodded. "Sounds like a plan." She gestured for Lily to change back into her other outfit. "Ball's not until later tonight, so you don't have to worry about sitting around in a ton of fabric."


"That's a relief." Lily glanced down at the dress once more, before slipping back behind the screen to change into her own clothes. "You already had all of these dresses?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yeah, I just took these from my closet." Cinthia waited for Lily to change so that she could try on the dresses.

Wolf snorted as he looked through them. "I have never seen these before in my life. How long have you had these without wearing them?"

"Uh…a while?"


Lily stepped back out, motioning for Cinthia to go ahead as she brushed her hair out of her face. "A while as in months, maybe a year, or a while as in years, plural?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I honestly don't know," Cinthia said as she went behind the screen and undressed. "Mother tends to see it fit to randomly update my wardrobe with whatever she deems perfect for me."


Lily took Cinthia's previous place, studying the dresses before hefting one up and draping it over the side of the dressing screen, the same way Cinthia had done for her. "Interesting."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Interesting is one of the ways to describe the Queen," Wolf muttered. Cinthia seconded that and pulled down the dress, attempting to figure it out on her own. She preferred dressing herself and often refused handmaidens that tried dressing her.


Lily ran a hand through her hair, looking between Wolf and the screen, as though looking at Cinthia, with an eyebrow raised. "Oh?" She tucked one hand into her pocket, fingers brushing the photo of her family.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Cinthia came out in the dress that Lily had picked out for her, hands on her hips while she waited for some thoughts. "The Queen isn't exactly the best mother to have," she said. Wolf nodded and added, "There's a reason we don't really go out in public all that much. Especially without covering up our eyes and Cin straightening her hair."


Lily nodded, pausing to study the dress Cinthia was wearing. "Ah. I'll admit, I don't…quite understand, but I get it." She pointed to Cinthia's dress, slightly changing the subject. "The butterflies remind me of the gardens."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf curled his nose. "Mmmmm… It doesn't really fit you," he commented. "Plus, twins are supposed to match, right? I'm not wearing pink." Cinthia stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out at her.


"Try one of the others." Lily suggested, motioning to the dresses still on the bed, before looking over at Wolf. "Have you got anything in mind? We might be able to loosely build off of that."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He cocked his head to the side. "I was maybe thinking gray or black." Cinthia did a little, Ooo and scurried over to the dresses. She held up a gray dress with gold accents. "What about this one?" she asked Lily.


"Honestly, that one fits, and it's not even on you yet." She commented, nodding as the corner of her mouth flickered up into a small smile. "Go, go, try it on." It was her turn to usher, as she found herself slightly enjoying this.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The twins chuckled as Cinthia let herself be ushered over to the screen. "Alright, alright," she said as she went behind it and changed. She came back out, hands on hips yet again. The dress hugged her body for the most part, then flared out around her legs.


Lily nodded enthusiastically, clapping her hands together once. "That's the one. Fits you better, and the colors are nice." She said, returning her hands to her pockets once more.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf nodded as well, but less enthusiastically. "That looks great. You two will be center stage at the ball tonight," he said with a small smiled, looking over at Lily to address her as well.


"Cinthia, yes." Lily said, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. She seemed fairly certain that she herself didn't stand out much. "What exactly do these events consist of?"


She nodded, reaching into her pocket to pull out the photo. "When I ran into him before the whole meeting in the throne room. I must say, his skill is impressive. I had no clue I was missing it until a few minutes before her gave it back."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I guess we're all thieves, in a way," Cinthia mused from behind the screen, then came back around, fixing her untamed hair. "I mean, Wolf and I constantly sneak off into the kitchens to swipe some food and help cook."

Wolf tilted his head. "And Magnus swiped probably the least emotionally available girl in the kingdom. I mean, Koral spent most of her time with her nose in her books and writing and even told him that she wasn't interested in men. And look where she's at now."


"A family of thieves. Interesting." Lily said, looking between the two of them with a small smile. "And yet most of you somehow manage to make the thievery benefit others, as well." They were full of surprises, apparently.