forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Lily huffed a laugh at that, pushing open the door a bit farther to offer Cinthia entrance as she stepped into the sitting room, looking around in slight awe. "So this is…a fairly normal room?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I'm not sure if that's a question or a questioning observation," Cinthia said as she stepped into the room. "But yeah, I picked a room with less flair than the other rooms available. You didn't strike me as someone who would want to be constantly surrounded by fancy things and rich living quarters."


"You guessed right." Lily said, nodding. "I'm not exactly used to a lot of…this, in general." She admitted, turning towards the bedroom. "It's all so much more than anything I'm used to."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Understandable." Cinthia trailed behind, twisting her fingers together. "But is it too much?" she asked, multicolored eyes widening a fraction with worry.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Her shoulders slumped in relief. "You're quite welcome." She then clasped her hands together and seemed to brighten somewhat. "Now. Time for dress up."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"'Almost' being the keyword." She ushered Lily into her bedroom. "You're just about my size, so I'll look through my closet and see what I have that'll look good on you. I'll also get Wolf to help as well."


"You really don't have to." Though her insisting was obviously falling on deaf ears, she was still going to continue. She sat carefully on the edge of the bed, looking to Cinthia.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Once again, I don't have to but I would like to." She flitted around Lily as best as she could, thanks to the bed, and made some rough notes in her head. "Hmm, I think I have what I need." She then left the room to go to her chambers.


Lily watched her leave, once again slightly confused. Nobody she'd ever known had done this much for her, let alone after just meeting her. It was disorienting, and though she found it a nice change from any other interactions she'd had, it was…new, and strange.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Cinthia rifled through her closet and picked out a few dresses for both herself and Lily. She eventually came back with a bunch of fabric obstructing her view. "A little help here," she pleased softly at the door to Lily's sitting room, shifting her hold on the dresses.


Lily stood quickly, crossing the room to the door. "Here, hand me one of those." She said, holding out her arms. "Or both. That is a lot of fabric."


"I didn't know that was a rule." She said, looking slightly amused as she took the dresses, carefully bundling them in her arms to be able to see.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"It's an unspoken rule in the world of fancy," Cinthia said matter-of-factly as she headed into Lily's bedroom. "WOLF!!" she called behind her. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND BE A GENTLEMAN FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!!"


Lily winced at the sudden loud tone, stomping down the urge to flinch as she made her way to the bed. She set the dresses down on the foot of the large bed, turning to raise an eyebrow at Cinthia, as though waiting for instructions.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Sorry," she apologized for the yelling, then set her dresses down on top of the ones Lily had set down. She flitted about to find the dressing screen, then pulled it out and set it up in a corner of the room. "Here, undress and I'll hand you a dress for you to try on. And I want to see you in it before you decide you don't like it."


Her gaze flickered to the screen, but she bit back any protests. At least there's a screen, and you aren't expected to strip in the middle of the room. She nodded, slipping behind the screen and hesitantly removing her clothing as quick as she could. Better to get it over with.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Cinthia picked out the light blue dress and draped it over the top of the screen. "There you go," she said to Lily, just as her twin walked it. He didn't try to peek at the girl behind the screen, just sat on the bed with an arched brow aimed towards his sister.


Lily tilted her head as she pulled the dress down, looking with slight apprehension at the bundle of fabric in her arms. Shaking her head, she carefully slipped into the dress, smoothing it down as she stepped out. "I stand by my previous statement of 'so much fabric'."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Agreed," Wolf said as he eyed the dress with a cocked head. "I can't imagine the agony you ladies must go through to impress people. Those dresses just look like a nightmare to put on and take off." Cinthia flapped a dismissive hand and came up to Lily, looking over the dress.


Lily snorted, nodding. "They really are. There's a reason I tend to stick to simpler clothing." She looked back to Cinthia, raising an eyebrow at the girl. "Does it meet whatever standards you've set?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hmm, I like this one on you, but I'm tempted to see what the others look like as well." She paused and tapped her finger against her lips, brows knitted in thought. "What do you think, Wolf?" she asked.

The youngest prince brought his legs up and rested his arms on his knees, dropping his head on his arms. "Hmm. I think it looks cute."