forum Fantasy Enchantress RP (CLOSED)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Kathrina growled and sent more bolts at Reese with one hand, sending bolts of necromancy at Adelia.

Veronica noticed the fight and tried to compose herself, failing. Nonetheless, she brought out her special scroll and started to read. Dark clouds formed above, black lightning shooting down to touch the remnants of the undead. No trace was left of the remnants. Bolts shot for Adelia, Jovie, and Reese.

Undead rushed out from the castle, a few newcomers among them. They rushed for Adelia at Kathrina’s command.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Kathrina is trying to dispel/destroy Reese. And to clarify the scroll, it’s a ‘cleaner’ spell that wipes out all traces of a battle, dead or alive. The scroll is supposed to be one of Veronica’s most powerful spells, hence only two scrolls, unlike the dozens she has of other spells)

@emilyevewrites group

"I get that, but- Look out!" Jovie reached over and shoved Reese out of the way of a bolt headed right for them.

Adelia desperately summoned as much light as she could and surrounded herself, Jovie, and Reese with a protective shield. It was weak, but it was there.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Kathrina screamed furiously, summoning three gargoyles that charged at her three enemies. She quickly summoned three more.

Veronica’s spell cleaned the rest of the area, even taking Zelda’s body, which only upset her further. However, the spell struggled to grab at three shielded folk. It devoured the gargoyles and undead.

“No! Dispel it! Dispel it!”Kathrina shrieked.

Veronica threw the scroll away. She couldn’t dispel it, only quit casting and let it fade. She continued to cry.

Kathrina howled, summoning as many gargoyles as she possibly could.

(She can only summon a dozen at once, max)

@emilyevewrites group

Jovie looked horrified. "Adelia, put down the shield," she urged.

Adelia shot her maid an are-you-actually-crazy look. "The gargoyles and lighting will-"

"I can take on the gargoyles, and you can deflect the lightning," Jovie shot back. "Reese can't stay in here."

Adelia looked doubtful, and she didn't let the shield down yet. She did, however, slightly dim its light.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Kathrina slipped inside the castle, pure anger and hatred in her eyes. Her gargoyles and the charging undead fell to the storm. However, some undead remained inside.

Veronica, oblivious to Kathrina, watched the shields. She hoped the storm would get her sister’s murderer.

The storm zapped at the shields, causing them to flicker a bit, but they remained up. As the minutes passed, the storm started fading and less bolts came down.

When it finally faded away, Veronica whimpered and looked to Kathrina. She gasped when she saw her sister had vanished.


(I've got an idea, hold on.)

Somehow, Reese found themself outside of the shield. They panicked, before being hit with a bolt. Once the bolt cleared, all that was left of them was a vial of shadows.

(Note: Reese isn't necessarily dead, just unmade.)

@emilyevewrites group

"Reese!" Jovie shrieked, kneeling on the ground beside where Reese had stood.

Adelia released the shield, in the mean time remaining acutely aware of any remaining bolts that might be aimed for her or Jovie.