forum Dwarves and Elves, Hobbits and Wizards, I present to you, A Hobbit RP! (100% Open! I just need like *Counts fingers* 14 people I guess.)((NEWSFLASH! About 6/14 people taken!)) I OFFER FREE COOKIES!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

Because last I checked women couldn't use magic in that story. Or any of the stories. Well, Galadriel, but she's like, the one female character I've come across who could actually use magic. And Goldberry doesn't count.

Deleted user

Well on that note……….then like I guess no unless like if they had to recite magic spells.

Deleted user

Maybe like, this healer woman character who is secretly a badass? Idk.

Deleted user

Elves are healers, but I don't want all the elves to be female. Gender equality, please.

Deleted user

I'm making a male hobbit if that's okay with you?

Yep, I completely approve!

Deleted user

Elves are healers, but I don't want all the elves to be female. Gender equality, please.

Humans are also healers. You don't have to use magic to be a healer.

Deleted user

Elves are healers, but I don't want all the elves to be female. Gender equality, please.

Humans are also healers. You don't have to use magic to be a healer.

I know that. Tauriel didn't really use magic to heal Kili though, she just spoke a spell…….actually she did nevermind.


Name: Taurin Puddifoot
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Hobbit
Looks and outfit: Fluffy, coppery brown hair, smol (roughly 2 feet bc he's a friggin hobbit), Pretty thin as far as hobbits go, Wearing green overalls over a nice pastel yellow shirt
Personality: Incredibly curious (particularly about elves because they just seem so magical to him), Cheerful, Logical/smart, Kinda wants to go on an adventure but his inner judgement's just like 'boi maybe not', Introvert
Flaws: Not particularly adventurous (cept for that little voice in his head), Too curious for his own good really, Not particularly in high respects of his neighbors bc of his talking about dragons and elves and such
Specialty: Can walk almost silently and is good at/enjoys singing (it's one of the reasons he likes elves so much)
Background: His life has been mostly uneventful. He lives the comfortable life of a hobbit with plenty of food and lots of fun. He does wish he could do something a little more… interesting, though. He feels that he's just repeating the same day over and over, and he's curious as to what's 'out there', you know?
Other: Loves elves and animals, Basically the equivalent of a child under 18 bc hobbits come of age at 33, Knows some elvish and elvish songs from listening to elves singing all the time, Has a pony named Nutmeg

Deleted user

Elves are healers, but I don't want all the elves to be female. Gender equality, please.

Humans are also healers. You don't have to use magic to be a healer.

I know that. Tauriel didn't really use magic to heal Kili though, she just spoke a spell…….actually she did nevermind.

Gandalf is technically human, I guess my character could be able to recite spells,but they would mostly use herbs and antidotes and a lot of bandages or strips of moderately clean cloth when in a pinch.

Deleted user

Elves are healers, but I don't want all the elves to be female. Gender equality, please.

Humans are also healers. You don't have to use magic to be a healer.

I know that. Tauriel didn't really use magic to heal Kili though, she just spoke a spell…….actually she did nevermind.

Gandalf is technically human, I guess my character could be able to recite spells, but they would mostly use herbs and antidotes and a lot of bandages or strips of moderately clean cloth when in a pinch.

( Shrugs It's your character, just post them up and I'll correct you if something's wrong.

Deleted user

(Also Tauriel was only in the movies so like?? And thanks :D)

( I liked Tauriel though, she was cool.)


(Just imagine Taurin hiding in the forest to watch the happy elves for hours. Yep. That's how he likes to spend his days. That's how he knows some elvish/elvish songs (I'll add that to the ref actually))

Deleted user

(Also where's my free cookies. I was promised cookies)

( Your cookies shall arrive soon! What kind do you want?)

Deleted user

(Just imagine Taurin hiding in the forest to watch the happy elves for hours. Yep. That's how he likes to spend his days. That's how he knows some elvish/elvish songs (I'll add that to the ref actually))

( That's so cute!)

Deleted user

(Chocolate chip :D. Also is it okay that I gave my character a pony?)

( Well we're all going to get horses and ponies anyway.)

Deleted user

( Cracks fingers. Alright, I at least need one human or two, and a dwarf in order to start so can someone go and spread the news?)

Deleted user

Name: Tiffany Greenmeadow
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Half human, half Hobbit.
Looks and outfit: Short, around 4' 6", with strawberry blond hair to her waistline, piercing blue eyes, cheekbones that could cut through steel and more freckles than anyone needs, fair skin tone, wears a grey tunic and a silk undershirt (more for fashion's sake than anything else, and also if she needs extra bandage material), olive green trousers, muddy boots, and a pointed hat like a wizard would wear, given to her from her uncle (who was indeed a wizard) and a navy blue cloak. Also has a chainmail shirt in case of the random battle or someething.
Personality: Cunning, a bit of a travelling hermit, ambivert, hates pears, gets overexcited easily, a good listener because she doesn't talk much either way, very adaptable to her surroundings, likes to cook food and eat it.
Flaws: A little overly sensitive to people's emotions,sometimes is a little bit too helpful if you know what I mean. Has a very bad temper that can blow up randomly even without provocation, has a deep but unexplained hatred for elves, though she is always and forever a team player she's not the best at taking criticism and will get incredibly angry when people criticize her.
Specialty: She's a healer woman and expert shieldmaiden.
Background: Idk, can I develop it as I go along?
Other: Makes her own spells. It's like DIY, but deadly-y-er. Mess with her and she will stab you with her sword. She is also very good with an axe, or a blade of grass. Yes, she can make a blade of grass painful. In her opinion mint and a good cussin' cures just about anything.


I feel like Tiffany would be like the older sister of Taurin that he just wants to follow on adventures and stuff like teach me your waysssssss