Started by @BookAddict

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Sage couldn't decide whether he was relieved or not to be out of the main action. On the one hand, he was already aching from being on guard duty for so long, but on the other hand, this job could be pretty boring. He looked at Valerie, who was holding her sword in one hand as he did a few practice moves with his twin daggers. At least they hadn't asked him to be an archer, like they had at his first war games. That had been a disaster.


Sage looked at her. "Alot," he said gloomily. It would be just their luck that this would be the ONE hallway that the opposition didn't venture down for the entire game.


\ yes.\

"I know…" Sage agreed. "But what can you do." He sighed and strained his ears, trying to see if the shouts and thumps from the battle were coming closer. They weren't.


Arianna sat amoung the sidelines, she fiddled with her hands. She recalled the previous event that lead to this:
Arianna was walking somewhere when she saw Alexander, the centurion of the First Cohort, she went over to say hi.
“Hey Ale-“ Arianna said, interrupted by a slap in the face.
“Ow! What, what was that for?” Arianna shrieked, that slap really hurt.
“I heard you were being soft on two legionaries who were duty.” Alexander snapped, glaring at her.
“They were on duty for 6 hours.” Arianna replied, returning the glare.
“So? And you gave them chocolate.” Alexander said, crossing his arms, “We centurions have a reputation to keep. This is just the third day of your promotion and you messed it up.”
“I don’t see what’s wrong with being a nice centurion.”
“Well I do.”
“I’ll have you demoted, Arianna. If that doesn’t scare you, I’ll have you killed.” (Woah there Alexander, chill bro.)
Arianna looked at him fearfully, “Are you serious? You want to kill me because I missed up the centurion’s mean reputation?”
“Too bad. And until you can act like a proper centurion, you’re not allowed to participate in any of the activities.”
“Are you serious?” Arianna asked in disbelief, “What would the Prae-“
“They approved of this.” He bluffed, smirking.
“Y-you’re kidding…”
“I’m assure you I’m not-the centurions and Praetors will watch you, start acting like a real centurion, Arianna. Good luck.” Alexander said sarcastically, walking away. Leaving Arianna standing in disbelief.


“Well then,” she sighed, looking around.

Sage slid down the wall, onto the ground. "Well, Valerie, we seem to keep getting lumped with broing duties together."


//…okay lmao

\ ikr. "I’ll have you demoted, Arianna. If that doesn’t scare you, I’ll have you killed.” (Woah there Micheal, chill bro.) \


“Amazing,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And we’ll probably get yelled at for messing with the mist so I guess we really do have nothing to do this time.”


Sage sighed. "Fun." That sarcastic word pretty much summed up their predicament. Just once, Sage would like to be taken seriously at Camp Jupiter. Just once.


Cato dodged swords and flying shields and incoming arrows with unnerving precision. Nothing seemed to touch him. He fought back with his scythe, disarming and only physically hurting people when absolutely necessary. So like never. As he worked through the opposing cohorts, he noticed two figures standing, alone, in the archway of a hallway that was completely out of the action. He started running in their direction, a flying arrow barely missing his braced foot.


“I’m running. You guys looked bored,” Cato said, jogging past them and bringing about 100 of his fellow ‘warriors’ with him. “Also there’s a roundabout way through here.”