Started by @BookAddict

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Roman baths were the BEST and Sage relaxed as he slipped into the boiling water. Even his constant worries about his powers and if he would ever be picked as a messenger couldn't bother him here.


//or u could go ahead and describe his entire bathing experience

“oh look. a bubble.”
“I hope no one’s staring”
“I can’t pick up the freaking soap it keeps drOPPING-“


//or u could go ahead and describe his entire bathing experience

“oh look. a bubble.”
“I hope no one’s staring”
“I can’t pick up the freaking soap it keeps drOPPING-“

(… Lucy, you’re great. XD)


\ ah thanks for the offer but i'm good :P
"Sage washed the dirt off his arm. Then he washed the first off his legs. Then he made sure to scrub under his fingernails…"
scintillating, right? XD \


Sage reluctantly put his armour on. He'd had enough of the uncomfortable suit earlier today, but war games weren't exactly optional. He strode over to where the rest of the 3rd, 4th and 5th cohort were assembling. They were versing the 1st and 2nd cohort, and tonight, they were defending. The fortress that the 3rd, 4th and 5th cohorts had built during the day was quite impressive, Sage mused.


(What’s a war game. ._.)

\ got this off the internet:
Roman War Games are played by the Roman demigods and legacies of Camp Jupiter, normally on the Field of Mars. Just as the Greeks have capture the flag, the Romans have war games.

Known Games
Deathball: Deathball is a game similar to Paintball. However, it is used with acid, poison, and fireballs as weapons. Hence the risks of serious injury and death are much higher.
Siege: Siege is very similar to Capture the Flag. One team defends a fortress while another team attempts to breach the fort and seize the banners of the opposing team. The defending team is given the fort along with an arsenal of weapons, including water cannons, scorpion ballistae, and iron portcullis, while the attacking team gets Hannibal the war elephant.
Gladiator Fighting: Frank Zhang mentions Gladiator Fighting along with Chariot Racing as one of Roman War games. It is most likely fighting in gladiator style.
Chariot Racing: Frank mentions Chariot Racing along with Gladiator Fighting as one of Roman War game. It is most likely a race with chariots.


"Yeah!" Sage responded. "Let's go whip Arianna's podex!"
He went over to where the centurions were assigning posts.
"You two, take the 3rd hallway to the left," one of the said, pointing.


(Aight so I’m gonna make Cato come in to the war games and stuff, maybe he can meet the other characters then? Also if he is a butthead it’s because he’s shy)