Started by @BookAddict

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"Wasn't asleep." Sage mumbled. "I fainted. Get it right Arianna."
Sage cursed silently. Seriously? How was anyone expected to stay on task for 6 HOURS without a break!


"No, seriously!" Sage protested. "I was practicing manipulating the mist like hazel TOLD me to. And I overextended. I didn't fall ASLEEP."

@Becfromthedead group

Aurelia walked over to Aubrey upon hearing the words "grandmother's necklace." She reached out to touch the Pegasus' face and coax it into giving back the necklace rather than taking it by force.


Sage gave Arianna a mock glare. "Yeah, we've been standing here for 6 HOURS! The max shift is only meant to be 4! What do you mean, we're not supposed to do that either?!"
Sage had no idea why they hadn't been given a replacement yet and it was annoying him. All he wanted was to become a messenger, and instead he was stuck here, guarding the entrance to a tunnel for 6 hours straight.


Milla nickered and obeyed Aurilea, then seemed to stick her tongue out at Aubrey. Aubrey quickly put the necklace back on. She laughed lightly. "Thanks. Milla has had it out for me since I got here."


“I meant the manipulating mist part. I mean i would find you a replacement, if you asked nicely.” Arianna shrugged, eating her chocolate.

Sage sighed. "Sorry, your royal highness." More like royal pain in the rear. "Can we please, please have a replacement?" Sage eyed the delicious looking chocolate in Arianna's hand. "And some chocolate too?" He pleaded, his hunger getting the better of his dignity. Sage winced at Valerie's words. They would surely get a lecture now.


Aubrey laughed. "Yeah Milla………………..she's a……………….well, sassy, I guess you could say."