Started by @BookAddict

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(Okay. XD)
Arianna saw two Legionaries (I legit have no idea how to spell this. ;U;) on guard duty, but instead of what they were supposed to be doing, they were fooling around. So she walked over to them.
(It would be even better if they get super excited.)


Sage's eyelids flickered open, and he saw a centurion. He quickly stood to attention, his heart beating fast. Thanks the gods he hadn't fainted onto the ground and instead had been supported by the wall. Hopefully the centurion didn't think he had been asleep on duty.


Aubrey sighed. She was soooo tired. She splayed herself out on the floor of the stables, honestly not caring if someone saw her.


Sage felt a thrill of excitement go through him. Maybe the centurion was coming to tell them that their shift was over. Thank the gods! Sage thought. His legs and back were aching from standing for so long, and he couldn't wait to get his armour off.


\ badge. and sage had been here for like 3 years now, so he knows the centurions by sight \

(I was thinking that Arianna would be newly promoted or something. IDK. ^throws papers^)


\ badge. and sage had been here for like 3 years now, so he knows the centurions by sight \

(I was thinking that Arianna would be newly promoted or something. IDK. ^throws papers^)

\ sure. idm \

@Becfromthedead group

Aurelia was heading towards the stables, next thing she knew. Of course, seeing the animals always calmed her a bit, especially after dealing with injured and sick folks all day. She walked in and saw Aubrey lying in the hay, but she paid the other girl no mind.


"Yeah?" Sage said, excited. He and Arianna were not friends exactly, but friendly. Fingers crossed their reliefs were on the way.


Aubrey suddenly sat up. "Milla you little rascal……………." She ran over to one stall and tried to wrestle a necklace out of the pegasus' mouth.