Started by @BookAddict

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(I heard I could get cookies…. could I join plz? I need the cookies….)


Name: Cato Flavius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Years at Camp: 7
God you are descended from: Vulcan
Rank and Cohort: legionnaire 5th cohort
Powers and talents: is extremely good with any metal or building type-thingy; is able to fix almost any weapon or object really quickly
Flaws: He is at times absent-minded, and feels aimless; as a result, he’s reckless and impulsive, (which is an ADHD thing I know)
Personality: Quiet and not very social, but once you break through his outer barrier, he will be your fiercest protector; (however, most people give up so he’s pretty alone.) Talented, but not arrogant; in fact, he doesn’t think any of his work is that good.
Looks: unkempt, chin-length brown hair, green eyes; he had a crippled foot, but fixed himself a brace of sorts, so now he has full mobility
Other (weapons, backstory): He will fight with anything he can get his hands on, and he fights well; I dont know yet about his backstory :)

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(Well, I think I shouldn't join since I'm in about 5 million other RPs, but I will be sure to read it!)

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(@ImNotCrazyImAFangirl you have changed my ways. I now know the correct hashtag is #teamPrimcausePeetaandGalebothsuck)


Name: Cato Flavius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: homosexual
Years at Camp: 7
God you are descended from: Vulcan
Rank and Cohort: legionnaire 5th cohort
Powers and talents: is extremely good with any metal or building type-thingy; is able to fix almost any weapon or object really quickly
Flaws: He is at times absent-minded, and feels aimless; as a result, he’s reckless and impulsive, (which is an ADHD thing I know)
Personality: Quiet and not very social, but once you break through his outer barrier, he will be your fiercest protector; (however, most people give up so he’s pretty alone.) Talented, but not arrogant; in fact, he doesn’t think any of his work is that good.
Looks: unkempt, chin-length brown hair, green eyes; he had a crippled foot, but fixed himself a brace of sorts, so now he has full mobility
Other (weapons, backstory): He will fight with anything he can get his hands on, and he fights well; I dont know yet about his backstory :)

\ thanks for joining! love your character! \

Deleted user

(I heard I could get cookies…. could I join plz? I need the cookies….)

\ sure! *presses a button and cookies fall from da sky \

(* opens mouth and lets cookies fall in and eats them* Also, I'm gonna be your guys' number one stalker, I'm not gonna RP in here, sorry!)