Started by @BookAddict

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Cato heard the Centurion calling for his cohort to assemble in the field for the war games, so he reluctantly put down his tools and left the forge, grabbing his newly-improved armour and a scythe on the way out.


Aubrey sighed. Another day, another game. Over. And over. And over. Every. Day. It got boring after a time.


Sage stood next to Valerie, his twin daggers at the ready. War games were usually pretty fun. He could see Cato, a blacksmith, nearby and waved at him.


(Also since we started do u think that @BookAddict should change the title? Idk)

\ yeah. do u reckon i should just close the RP? since we've done quite a bit \

(Idk its up to u)

\ i think i'll just close it \


(Also since we started do u think that @BookAddict should change the title? Idk)

\ yeah. do u reckon i should just close the RP? since we've done quite a bit \

(Idk its up to u)

\ i think i'll just close it \

(Okey dokey)


(Also since we started do u think that @BookAddict should change the title? Idk)

\ yeah. do u reckon i should just close the RP? since we've done quite a bit \

(Idk its up to u)

\ i think i'll just close it \

(Okey dokey)


@Becfromthedead group

Aurelia stood a little further from the field. She didn't want much of anything to do with the war games, so she was on the sidelines, prepared to help anyone who might be hurt.


Cato surveyed the scene, missing a boy a few yards away waving at him. The war-elephant was standing to one side, making elephant noises. Swords and shields gleamed in the late-afternoon sunlight, and he felt nerves circling his stomach.


\ for the prophecy, any ideas when we should do it? like do u want to do it straight after the war games, or tomorrow, or…? \


In the distance, Sage could see Hannibal with the 1st and 2nd cohorts who would be attacking tonight. "They're not winning!" Sage promised himself fiercely. The cohorts were a whole lot more even, now that the 5th had rescued the eagle and Octavian from the 1st had led the whole camp astray, but it was still usually the 1st and 2nd cohorts who won.


(Maybe have the prophecy lady appear or Octavian’s replacement or whomever and have the whole camp watch. Also we should make it oddly specific to the seven or however many people we have)


\ cool!

When misery rises from the pit
7 great heroes must misery outwit
Or hope shall fade, and tears shall run
And the Gods of Olympus shall be done
First you must find a mode of transport
Look for it near Melione's court
Then you must rescue Hope from the cage
Mists, fires, star, water and wisdom unleash their rage
Then the final battle is still to come
And if you lose, all Hope will be gone

uh, idk, that was just a random one, feel free to not use it at all, or suggest edits. :) \