Started by @BookAddict

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"Do you reckon we're still meant to stay here?" Sage asked Valerie, curious. He wasn't sure if he should follow the action or simply continue defending the hallway.

"Maybe? I mean, the game should be over soon and we haven't got anything else to do," she shrugged.


Sage grinned. "Let's go!"
He ran down the corridor, pursuing the sounds of clashing swords and yells in the distance. He looked around, wondering where Arianna was. HE was still confused why she had been sitting on the sidelines. Maybe she had been injured? But it hadn't looked like it.


In the distance Sage could see a group from the first and second cohort running away with the flag. He started to pursue them, but gave up. They were already home safe. Sage went out onto the field where the honours would be presented.


Cato vaguely heard cheering, but he knew it was highly unlikely that it was for his side. Something compelled him to limp over to the doorway, however, so he saw the scene that followed.


Everyone was milling around, chatting loudly when a hush began to spread over the assembled legionnaires. What's going on? Sage wondered. He pushed through the crowd to get to the front, trying to ascertain what had gotten everyone so freaked out. When he got to the front, he gasped. Their augur was there, his eyes wide and unfocused, looking almost possessed.