Started by @BookAddict

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Valerie loitered by the camp’s entrance, pacing back and forth nervously. She looked around for anyone who looked like a friend, but it was dark and she could barely see.


Cato had followed Val and was now sitting stoically on the ground at the entrance. He wasn’t entirely sure Val knew he was there, but he was too exhausted to say anything. Plus, he didn’t want to scare her and (as a result) get stabbed.


“Um. I’ve been here… for a while…. trying really really hard to not scare you…” Cato said hesitantly, rubbing circles in the dusty ground with his foot.


Sage headed toward the entrance of the camp, ready to leave. He was hoping the others would be along soon. If they were going to leave, they needed to do it now.
He arrived at the entrance to find Val and Cato already there. "Hey."


Stella had packed her belongings and then some. She figured they were meeting at the front gates and sure enough. She found all of them there. She was smilingas she approached the group.


Sage heard someone coming toward them and turned around. "Oh hey Stella. Good to see you're ready to leave. Has anyone seen Camilla and Ari?"


Sage headed toward the entrance of the camp, ready to leave. He was hoping the others would be along soon. If they were going to leave, they needed to do it now.
He arrived at the entrance to find Val and Cato already there. "Hey."

Cato jumped, startled. “Jeez! You scared me!” He realized the contrast of his most recent comment in comparison to his previous one and he blushed slightly.

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Camilla slowly jogged up to them with a backpack slinged over her shoulder. "Alright are we ready?" Camilla asked.

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"Ok, so where are you planning on going?" Camilla asked.

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"No, don't go to New York, though I Probably should, but I'm helping you. We could go to the central plains though."