forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

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"ah, no i was here last year, i mostly just helped in the infirmary and did not really interact with others"


Thanks! That’s cool!//

Kena couldn’t make out what he was saying, but copied his movements. She tugged at the string, a little surprised at how heavy the draw weight was. She looked at Adonis from the corner of her eye, waiting for more instructions.


"Yep! This is Mummy. But please dont try and pet her quite yet. She can take out an eyes and is still skittish." He warns, turning back to the Pegasus.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis faced her because it seemed like she couldn't lip-read him. He decided to sign the words as he spoke. "Move the arrow lower and hold the bow closer to your face." He said before moving to behind her to see if she was doing it right.

Deleted user

"nah i know not to pet skitish animals, i used to foster animals"


"Oh! Well that's good." Jordan rests a hand on Mummy's emaciated side. She twitches slightly but doesnt move from her feeding bucket

Deleted user

"i need to go check up on Stars(his Pegasus), have a nice day"


(I’m assuming you mean in from as in where she’s pointing the arrow, but it could be in front of Kenadee, but whatever I’m still gonna say this) Man, Adonis, that’s dangerous. You don’t stand in front of a drawn bow, didn’t you learn anything from archery class?! ;P//

Kena did so, the draw weight a little heavy. She shakily held it at her ear. The (I’m assuming it’s a right handed bow) bow was a bit awkward in her hands since she had needed to use a right handed bow. She closed her right eye, remembering her left eye was dominant from her practice with throwing knives.

@EmptyNebula group

(Yea, sorry that was a mistake on my part.)
Adonis moved away from the bow to give the next instructions. "Now all you have to do is look at the target and let go of the bow." Adonis signed for her now that he had moved.


It’s fine lol//

Kena raised an eyebrow, let go of the bow? Welp, Adonis was an Apollo kid, so he knew how to shoot a bow. Kena looked at the target and released the bow. Yeah, probably not the best idea ever.

The bow fell and the string slipped through her fingers, causing the bow to shoot at the ground near Kena. She stepped back in fright and looked at Adonis, “It didn’t work.”


Jordan held onto Mummy's halter and talks to her quietly as he guides her down to the ground. She rolls onto her side, exhausted even though all she did was stand to eat.

@EmptyNebula group

(XD, sorry another mistake on my part, i meant the arrow.)

"Ok, let's just leave the archery for another day." Adonis said while blushing. How could he forget the difference between an arrow and a bow. He gently took the weapon from her and slung it over his back. "Let's go back to the center of camp where the people are." Adonis suggested while picking up the arrow.


It’s fine, it had a funny outcome XD//

Kena nodded and followed after Adonis. Her face was warm, she should’ve known, but what’s done is done.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis walked in front of Kenadee so she wouldn't see his red face. "What do you want to do?" He signed quickly before facing the front again. He was pretty sure his face was still burning red from what he said. He was still embarrassed.

@EmptyNebula group

"I think we have Winged Horseback riding with the Demeter cabin next and then lunch, so let's get ready for that." Adonis said while looking in the direction Kenadee was looking in.