forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

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Name: Kenadee Stone (called Kena)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Open for shipping?: Ye

Godly parent: Athena

Personality: You’ll see~

Appearance: 5’8, pretty muscular, dark skin, curly black hair usually braided against her scalp into a ponytail, big dark brown eyes, almost black

Hobbies: Reading, writing, and drawing

Talents: She’s at battle strategy, fighting with a dagger, she is also agile

Power/s: She’s smart and can talk to olives

Backstory: She was born deaf. Her father brought her to Camp Half-Blood a few months after she turned seven, knowing it would be better for her. She’s a full time camper, but every Christmas she visits her father and stepmother, who she actually doesn’t hate.

Other: She was born deaf, but she can still speak fairly normally, but it sometimes sounds a little strange. She will also write if she doesn’t want to speak, but her preferred form communication is ASL. Kena can read lips, but only when they’re directly facing her.

Is this ok?//

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Name: Mikhail Dean
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Open for shipping?: Heck yes
God parent: Hades
Personality: Mikhail is sweet and fairly quiet, often times enjoying a comfortable silence a lot more than ongoing chats. He’s awkward around new people at first, but after trusting them, he tends to open up very quickly, often times finding himself uncomfortable when he’s not telling the full truth or being himself. Mikhail, around people he knows and decides to like, can be brutally honest (though sprinkles in some warm words and tries his hardest to make it up if he hurts anyone) and can come off as loud, until he’s put in an uncomfortable situation. He suffers from anxiety and won’t voice his opinions loudly, but with time, he grows the courage to speak up about his thoughts. While he appears to be calm and collected in stressful situations, his mind is often battling with itself, and anxiety is not an uncommon feeling for Mikhail. He’s a quick thinker, but tends to second guess his decisions over and over again, and when he’s in a terribly pressured spot, his facade of stability chips away as his mental state deteriorates. Mikhail despises the idea of being harsh or rude to others, and he tries his hardest to sympathise and be empathetic when he’s talking to others; but when someone somehow uses up all of his patience, he snaps and causes a big (and to be frank, an embarrassing) scene, his thoughts becoming irrational and taking many things (especially criticism) much farther out of proportion that what it truly is. Even with his kind-hearted nature, Mikhail can hold grudges for years - don’t test it. He tries his hardest to be graceful but ends up a bumbling mess in sticky situations. Mikhail also hates the smell of fire, but doesn’t know why his anxiety triggers at it and where the trigger stems from. Even at the slightest whiff of smoke or a lit match can lead to him starting to shake almost uncontrollably, as if he had a fever.
Height: 5’6ft
Weight: 124 lbs
Eye Color: A light, icy cerulean. The outer edges of his irises are a darker shade, bordering towards violet which gradually fades into the blue as the color moves closer towards his pupil. His eyes are a rounder shape, though they evidently hold the weight of tiredness due to the amounts of exhaustion that often overcome him.
Hair Color: His hair is cut short and curly, with a part on his left side. His hair often falls into his right eye causing him to brush it out of the way or behind his ears. The hues of his short locks are an unnatural platinum silver, with underlying tones of cool blue.
Usual Clothing Style: While comfort is always taken into consideration, he’ll typically wear some form of a blue varsity jacket and fingerless, black gloves, as well as skinny jeans. He has a preference for this choice of outfit due to the idea that he seems much more cool while wearing it, although his is mainly his perception that is altered with the excitement over the idea of being awesome looking. On the days in which effort into his appearance is simple not an option that he cares for, he’ll pull on a random sweatshirt and a t-shirt that’s been lying around, and is almost always seen with sneakers. All of the aforementioned articles of clothing are usually in hues of blue.
General Features: Freckles dot Mikhail’s dark olive slender face, and his body has a fairly slim, lanky build. His left ear is a little bit nicked at the top from an accident during Kindergarten, and he often has bruises or small cuts from stupid mistakes he makes. Mikhail has an old burn scar, faded and light, on his upper thigh to around his hip area on his right side. (
Hobbies: Reading, writing, crafting small objects like paper stars or small stuffed animals, and listening to music.
Talents: You'll see
Power/s: Shadow travel, summoning the dead
Backstory: You'll see
Other: Cats. Mikhail. Loves. Cats. And soft things. He really really likes soft things - anything comfortable and soft and relaxing is something he loves. He also is really interested in history, as well as writing, and hopes to publish a book one day.

(Is he okay?)


Name: Cecilia Phelps Eriksen
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Open for Shipping: Yah
Godly Parent: Poseidon (I know its basic, but he's my favorite god)
Personality: INTP
Appearance: Curly blonde hair and sea green eyes, smaller face and wider nose. Thin lips and rounds eyes. She is lightly muscular. She wears hoodies and blue skinny jeans with converse.
Hobbies: Ballet, Drawing, and telling corny jokes (but she's a bad joke teller)
Talents: Ballet, Drawing, and Sword Fighting
Power: Normal Children on Poseidon powers
Backstory: She grew up in Norway on Bear Island, until she moved to Washington State when she was 10. One time when she was 11 she accidentally spilt hot water on her hand now has a burn from it. She also rejoined dance in america. Then her friend, Emily, whom she had met in America, turned out to be a satyr and brought her to camp half blood safely
Other: Still has a norwegian accent and uses norwegian slang

@EmptyNebula group

I'll start now.//
Adonis gripped his backpack tightly on his back. It was all that he had and needed. When he came he saw some people already there and headed to the centaur in the middle of them. He told him where the Apollo cabin was and he quickly went inside without looking at anyone. The cabin was empty. No one was there and no ones belongings were inside. He set his items beside his bed while taking out his phone to listen to music before the first activity started.


Cecilia had just finished unpacking her bags in the Poseidon cabin and she flopped down on a bunk, the day had been so crazy, she really needed a nap.


Kenadee looked out at the lake where she stood, the water glistened like diamonds, the water gently lapped the shore. It all felt soothing. She rolled up her pants and sat by the lake where she could dangle her feet in as she enjoyed the view. She waved at some of the naiads who were in the water, but Kenadee mostly enjoyed the smell of the water, the trees, and the camp, the view of the forest, and the feel of the gentle water.


Cecilia rolled over on her back and groaned. There was no way she was going to sleep after almost getting kicked out of school… Again. She sat up and climbed out of her bunk. She left the cabin and walked into the center of camp. She greeted a few new campers, she smiled and walked to talk to her best friend Emily, who happened to be the Satyr who brought her to this camp last year.


Jordan was crouching slightly right next to Chiron. His eyes narrow as he surveys the new arrivals. He had been at this camp for four years now. Frankly, he was sick of it. He hadn't left cause really. Where would he go?

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Onyx walked to the nyx cabin being the only one inside. he pulled out his writing book and pencil, he started writing about hiss travel to here


Ava walked into the Hades cabin. she sat down on her bunk and took out her sketchbook. she opened it up and continued where she left off in her comic.


Chiron looks down at Jordan and sighs exasperatedly, "Be nice this year. We dont want any of them running off again." Jordan shrugs and smirks mischievously, "Im not guaranteeing anything."