forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

people_alt 5 followers

@EmptyNebula group

No overpowered characters
No Mary Sues
LGBTQ allowed
Cursing allowed to a minimum (ex. I stubbed my toe f***)
No hate speech in any form

Open for shipping?:
God parent(The big three can only have three children each. First come first serve):

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Name: Asherah Weber (she goes by Ash)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Open for shipping: heck yeah
God Parent: Hades
Personality: She has trouble trusting people, but once you gain her trust she is loyal and would do anything for her friends. She is scarcastic and likes to get revenge/play pranks on those who have wronged her, and she gets in trouble quite a bit because she doesn't like to follow the rules sometimes.
Appearance: shoulder-length blonde hair, bright green eyes,
Hobbies: Sword fighting
Talents: Sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat. She prefers sword fighting though
Powers: She can shadow travel and raise the dead (but it takes a lot of power) (powers are kinda like Nico's)
Backstory: Her mother died when she was little and she was bounced from foster home to foster home because the families always felt unease with her around. She finds it hard to trust people because of this because she's afraid that their just going to leave her too.
Other: She rides a motorcycle and she has a broken stitched together heart tattooed on the inside of her left wrist

@EmptyNebula group

Name: Adonis Savas
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Open for shipping?: Yes
God parent: Apollo
Personality: ISFJ( Introverted, realistic, makes decisions with heart, organized.)
Hobbies: Archery, reading, writing, listening to music.
Talents: Jumping high and far, parkour.
Power/s: He can talk to animals and control where he wants an arrow to go.
Backstory: He wasn't really planned and after his mom became pregnant, his father just left her. He only acknowledged the fact that he existed but didn't care, so it messed him up a bit to not have a father figure. : He has been moved house to house in the foster system because his mother couldn't afford to take car of him. One house he lived in found out about him being a demigod and sent him to the camp.
Other: He smokes at times and has a tattoo on his back. Will be revealed later)


Name: Ava Clay
Age: 14
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bi
Open for shipping?: sure
God parent (The big three can only have three children each. First come first serve): Hades
Personality: She used to be happy and social, but then she started to give up on life. she became upset and angry with the world. She's hard to get to know but when you do she sort of shows her old self.
Appearance: Long black hair deathly pale skin and dark brown eyes.
Hobbies: drawing comics
Talents: drawing, Sword fighting
Power/s: shadow travel and summoning the dead.
Backstory: She was abandoned at birth and spent all her life I foster care. she used to be hopeful that things would get better and that one day she'll get a forever home, but bad things kept happening. Unexplainable things kept happening at all her homes. she was kicked out after spending a few months there. She stopped speaking at the age of 10 and hasn't spoken since. she ran away from 13 and spent a year on the streets before being found by a satyr.
Other: she doesn't speak so instead she writes everything she wants to say or just doesn't communicate at all. she always has her sketchbook, a notebook, and a few pencils in her bag.

@EmptyNebula group

@"Jump_suit_cover_me(It's_MK)" when I was making my character I was doing a bit of research so it took me a whille to make it but i had no idea about what your character's backstory and other was going to say.

Deleted user

Name:Onyx "Onnie"
Gender:trans ftm
Open for shipping?:sure
God parent:Nyx
Personality:ussualy reserved, but if you do something moraly wrong he will correct you, shy but loyal
Appearance:Raven black hair and startling gold eyes, glasses and tons of freckles
Hobbies:astronomy and having succulents
Talents:using his chain whip and fiuring out stars
Power/s:gaining strength from the night, shadowtravel, he can put people under small trances and he can knock people out
Other: thats just some info on nyx cause i feel that shes under apreciated

@EmptyNebula group

@"Jump_suit_cover_me(It's_MK)" when I was making my character I was doing a bit of research so it took me a whille to make it but i had no idea about what your character's backstory and other was going to say.

(What do you mean? Should I change her?)

No, it's just to let you know that I wasn't trying to copy you.


Name: Jordan Persagati
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi (Leans toward guys)
Open for shipping?: Hella yeah
God parent: Demeter
Personality: INTP, He can be really animated if he really wants to.
Appearance: (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
Hobbies: Pegasus racing, getting lost in The Forest and trying to survive in it alone usually
Talents: Parkour and avoiding trouble
Power/s: He can grow any type of plant anywhere, wherever, any type
Backstory: It was normal… Until the Harpie came for his soul

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

@"Jump_suit_cover_me(It's_MK)" when I was making my character I was doing a bit of research so it took me a whille to make it but i had no idea about what your character's backstory and other was going to say.

(What do you mean? Should I change her?)

No, it's just to let you know that I wasn't trying to copy you.

(Oh okay 😂)