forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

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@EmptyNebula group

"We are going to start in 5 minutes, so let him warm-up to you. Stroke his mane, pet his back, and continue giving him carrots. By the time we start the second hour aerial combat, he will have long warmed up to you, and you could be riding like he's your own horse." He signed while brushing Stargazer's hair.

@EmptyNebula group

Yes. But if your cabin was mentioned you are kind of in charge. Ex. Winged horse riding with demeter cabin. If you were part of that cabin you can direct people and tell them what to do.//


"We are going to start in 5 minutes, so let him warm-up to you. Stroke his mane, pet his back, and continue giving him carrots. By the time we start the second hour aerial combat, he will have long warmed up to you, and you could be riding like he's your own horse." He signed while brushing Stargazer's hair.

Kena nodded and stroked Stargazer’s mane. She ran her hand down his neck and patted him. She handed Stargazer more carrots and smiled at him.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis saw the interaction between Kenadee and his horse. He liked how she was good with animals. He lied about the fact that Stargazer was aggressive. He just didn't want to scare her away. He suddenly heard the bell for the horse-riding and let her know. "We are starting now, let me bring him out to the start and you can go first." He signed while putting the saddle on Stargazer.


Kenadee nodded, “Thanks!” she watched Adonis do it, noting how he put the saddle on. She might need it later on, you never know.

@EmptyNebula group

"We have to get on the horse because the fields are a few miles away and I'm not trying to walk there. I'll help you up." Adonis signed before tightening the straps of the saddle. He put his arrows in the bag beside the saddle and put some carrots. "Also, again, this is a winged horse riding and his wings will come out and we will be flying there so I hope you don't have a fear of flying.


Kena nodded, “I know, I’ve watched quite a few races, ya know.” Kena hoisted herself up onto the sadle, swinging her leg over to the other side. She smirked and said, “Come on, we’ll be late, it’s in two minutes!”

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis got on in front of her and took the controls of the horse. He lightly kicked Stargazers side so that they would start flying. He could see the fields in the distance and the other campers lining up. They had mad it just in time and Stargazer landed gracefully. It was always fun seeing the new campers faces when they saw how his horse landed. Stargazer went straight down at a high speed, and every time people would think that they were about to crash, and then out of nowhere Stargazer would turn around in a spiral and land like nothing ever happened.


Kena tightly held onto Adonis around his waist so she wouldn’t fall off. He stomach did a flip-flop when Stargazer dove for the landing. Her heart thumped and she closed her eyes, the wind whipping her hair behind her and stinging her face. She exhaled sharply when they suddenly landed. Kena flipped her hair out of her face and laughed.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis got off the horse and walked him to the starting line. "Here, you can do the first round and I'll do the second. The first is just a trail but the second is fighting and requires more than feeding carrots and petting his back." Adonis signed while adding a chuckle.


Kenadee snickered, “Alright! Thanks for giving me the easy part!” Kena winked. She grabbed Stargazer’s reins and patted his neck, “Are you ready to do this, Stargazer?” she grinned.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis stood by on the side watching how Kenadee was with the horse. Maybe he would get another one for her for a birthday present her thought. He watched the rest of the campers go off on their horses and into the air. They were going pretty fast and he wasn't sure where or which route they were taking.


Kena had no idea what she was doing.

Kenadee took off with the others, just following the crowd. She let Stargazer take the lead, he seemed to have more experience in this than her. Kena really just held onto Stargazer’s reins and held onto the pegasus with her knees, having no idea what was happening. She swerved a few times, went up, and was pretty sure she went upside down at least once. Kena really only remembered the stinging wind on her bare skin and the thrill of flying.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis sat back and watched them start their trail. He didn't know what to do at this point so he began sharpening his arrows and polishing his bow. After the trail, there would be lunch in the mess hall and there he hoped to meet new people.


Ava wondered around until she found a group of campers. She thought they might be heading to a lesson or something so she joined them.