forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

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Jordan opens Mummy's stable and wheels a wheelbarrow out full of manure. He passes another demigod and the stable dog as he goes


"Huh? Oh hey!" He dumps the contence on the wheelbarrow out and wheels it back, setting down next to Ash and Duke.
"Yeah. She's fine. Still a bit skittish though sadly." His British accent messes with a few of his word


Ava wandered around until she got to the side of the stables. she could hear people near the entrance but other than that it was quiet. she saw a tree and decided to climb it. she sat on a branch and took out her sketchbook, continuing to draw.


Jordan nods, "Defiantly!" He picks up the wheel barrow again leaves it outside Mummy's stable. He leans on the door to it.


Jordan shrugged with a snort, "Chiron actually came to me and said, I quote, 'Dont scare them off this time.'" Jordan sighs, shaking head. His British accent messed with a few of those words

@EmptyNebula group

"I'm good." Adonis said while signing it. He had gotten better over the summer and now he could sign almost anything except for science and math terms.

Deleted user

Onyx was walking near the edges of the forest. as he was walking he fell into a pothole, the loud "crap!" can probably be heard all over camp


The link is private, I can’t see it//

Kena nodded. She didn’t know what the last part was, but she had seen him say, “Come hold the bow,” so she grabbed it.


Jordan was sitting outside Mummy's stable. He was sharpening his celestial bronze spear while she munched happily next to him

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onyx walked towards the stables and noticed jordan "ah hello, jordan right?"

@EmptyNebula group

I updated the link, it should work now.//
Adonis saw her holding the bow incorrectly lowered her arms a bit. He handed her an arrow before telling her what to do. "You align the arrow with the center of the bow and pull back." He said while demonstrating with an air bow.