forum Camp Half-Blood RP (Closed)
Started by @EmptyNebula group

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@EmptyNebula group

I forgot his name was Adonis not Dylan, but I fixed it.//
Adonis turned around and repeated what he said and signing all the words except for Demeter. "You got that?" He added, making sure she understood him before he would walk to his cabin.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis saw her catching speed and ran to his cabin which was farther than hers. Half-way there, he started catching speed and passed her but very shortly after he quickly stopped and put his hands on his knees while panting. He saw her pass him and got back up but by the time he made it there she was long gone in her cabin.

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis looked at her gesture and just laughed. He could've said he let her win, but that was such a cliche phrase for losing. He admitted defeat and went in his cabin to get dressed for horseback riding. He put on his breeches, boots, t-shirt, and then put on the little armor he needed, in case he fell off. He then slung his arrow case over his shoulder and his bow on his back.


Ava watched two figures race from up in the tree that she sat on. she looked at the landscape and started to draw it in her sketchbook. she was taking a break from her comic.


Kena dressed herself for horseback riding. She exited the cabin, her dagger safely in a belt around her waist. She walked out and waited for Adonis.


"whatcha drawing" Onyx said right behind Ava

Ava jumped and fell out of the tree. she landed on her feet but ended up on her but. she glared at the boy but didn't say anything. she took out her notebook from her bag, that fell beside her, and opened a random page. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" she wrote. she wrote with big messy letters. her handwriting has always been messy because of her dyslexia but she could usually be a little neat when she's focusing but right now she wrote fast.

Deleted user

"im bored and intrested"
the ADHD is strong in this one//


ava rolled her eyes and then continued to glare. "Well its none of your business." she showed the boy what she wrote. she had misspelled "business" and some of her letters looked weird. she dusted over her pants as she stood up.

Deleted user

"welp im going to hunt down my friend tata" he said waving

@EmptyNebula group

Adonis decided to stand beside Kenadee so he could sign to her. "I have a horse in the stables named Stargazer. Do you have one? If not we could use the same horse for the event."