Hi Alék!
You basically understand what species are, so wonderful job on that front! Not all botanists work in the same area as I do, but yes, the main goal of my experiments is to make plants grow at a faster rate without affecting their health or overall chemical composition. It is actually quite fascinating and challenging, but you most likely don't want to hear a jumble of scientific jargon that you won't understand, so I will move on.
I actually do not sing very often, but I assume I'd be pretty good at it. I mean, why wouldn't I be?
Yes! Please tell me about your island, and your stars. I would love to hear your people's stories.
Your dexír sounds fascinating, and your connection with the darkness would be fantastic to study. How exactly do you tend to use this power of yours?
Paper is basically parchment, yes. It's a more refined form of the same material, with a smoother surface and more uniform coloring. I was using paper as a metaphor for space, to try and simplify the concept for you. I apologize if I made it more confusing instead. I tend to do that a lot. Ah, well.
I'll tell Kaz about what you said, and hopefully, it'll make him a little more confident. He needs every bit of confidence he can get!
We don't have servants because the galactic government decided a few centuries ago that it created an imbalance in the respect for life across the universe, so they implemented a minimum wage and we have generally moved away from such societal structure. I mean no offense to your people and their traditions, but we consider the existence of servants a bit primitive.
Universal translators are really cool! Sadly, they aren't my area of expertise, so I wouldn't know how to properly explain them. It's fascinating that your tribe were the ones to create trade on your planet. What are common items that you trade, and what items are you unable to produce on your own?
Oh mulch, I have to go! Bye!
End recording.