(Who's Ravenheart?)
(Who's Ravenheart?)
(Who's Ravenheart?)
hes a secret character lol i don't wanna spoil, im pretty sure ZFox would want to tell ya'll abt Ravenheart, not me))
(Lol ok)
Shadowclaw got up, not being able to sleep. He walked out of his den and went to a tree. he sat under it, enjoying the wind and sun. His eyes kept closing but he opened them. He scratches his face. He looks at the other dens and realizes that no one is out yet. He yawned and looked down. Suddenly his eyes opened. I didn't tell them about Junkie! He thought, getting up. Maybe he saw the kits… Shadowclaw said, quietly.
Springheart is abt to make connections lol))
Silverpaw and Dewpaw backed away from Swiftstar's den when Springheart started talking to her. The sisters smiled at each other and padded out of camp to hunt.
(Shadowclaw still has collar btw)
(Also Ravenheart is Swiftstar's brother who left the clans. He may show up but thats a whole nother chunk of drama)
(:O I can't wait-)
ikr– im just as excited as you are lol))
Shadowclaw's collar jingled as he walked closer to the den. I forgot about this thing… He thought, scratching the collar. He yawned. Man I need sleep…right as I left Junkie I was looking for the kit- He got cut off by a yawn. He decided to go to his den and actually go to sleep. He yawned and he laid down. His collar jingled again as he laid down. He closed his eyes and tucked his tail to his side.
Don't mind me– ))
Springheart hummed, "maybe one of them could be black-and-white." the pale brown she-cat gave a small smile, "maybe one of the kits would have your eyes. maybe it would be a mashup of both of our eyes? like one violet and one blue?" Springheart looked out on the clearing, cats already busy at work. she noticed that Thistlepad was hanging around Featherbreeze, the dark cream she-cat had a shy smile on her face everytime Thistlepad would speak to her. "I think Featherbreeze has a crush on little ol' Thistlepad…" Springheart gave a quiet sigh of relief, "at least he won't bother me." the queen mumbled.
"They would be the most unique kit in the forest!" Swiftstar laughed. "I wonder if anything interesting happened while we were sleeping." She mused.
Springheart smiled, a purr rumbling in her throat. "Maybe Shadowclaw returned? he disappeared last night during the well," she paused, "the border skirmish."
"You're right, we should probably check." Swiftstar stood and stretched. She was still a little wobbly but she managed to get out of the den and stood looking out over the camp. The elders gossiped in the shade, Swanpaw darted out of the medicine den, looked around, then quickly darted back in, Crystalpaw had gotten bored of waiting for Featherbreeze and was listening to the elders instead, everything looked pretty normal.
Springheart stood up and stretched, she ran out after Swiftstar, she looked over at the elders den, her mother, Seeddrift, and father, Longscar, were chatting quietly with eachother. Springheart smiled and then looked over at the nursery Froststorm and Stormcloud were eating a rabbit. Springheart turned her attention back to Swiftstar who was already padding into the warriors den.
"Shadowclaw?" Swiftstar called into the warrior den. A head popped up that Swiftstar recognized as Hareflight who blinked a lot then lay back down.
(Is he stopsed to answer?)
(Is he **supposed to answer?)
i think he should, maybe his collar jingle a whole bunch and Hareflight says something and Shadowclaw exists))
(Wait..I just thought of something. A cat with the prefix of Raven leaves the Clans….Ravenpaw!?)
(… Damn I didn't even notice… I did not mean too)
(Wait..I just thought of something. A cat with the prefix of Raven leaves the Clans….Ravenpaw!?)
:0 i didn't realize that–))
Hareflight flicked her long tail, her blue eyes shut as she grumbled, "he's in the corner, please take him out of the den. he has some kittypet collar on and its annoying." the slim she-cat turned on her side.
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