@Spring group
Stormkit squeaked as he jumped in the air, "Flamekit! are you okay!" he mewed as he rushed over towards Flamekit who was rubbing his face as he groaned in pain.
Stormkit squeaked as he jumped in the air, "Flamekit! are you okay!" he mewed as he rushed over towards Flamekit who was rubbing his face as he groaned in pain.
"If you count hitting your face on the ground 'Okay'…Sure." He said, continuing to rub his face. He eventually stopped and sat. "We'll just explore the cave."
Stormkit sighed, "well, come on! lets go and climb to the top of the mountian of wood!" Stormkit jumped leapt over Flamekit and began to carefully climb, slipping every so often. "l-look! im almost at the top!" he heard Vixenkit from below him, "you've barely made it half way you mouse-brain!"
Flaimekit giggled at hat Vixen kit had said and sighed. He got up and followed Stormkit. He was still going on and on about his powers, and training in his head. He almost tripped again but caught himself.
Stormkit let out a grumble as he hauled himself higher, "watch this!" he mewed, preparing himself, he jumped up, his fore-claws digging into a large piece of wood, his yelped in fear as his hind-legs wiggled to latch onto something to push himself higher up. panic set in as he yowled, fear scent went rapid as he struggled to pull himself up. "A-AH! H-HELP!"
"Stormkit!" Mistkit ran up to the wood pile, and quickly made her way toward her brother. When she reached him, she pushed against him, trying to lift him up. "C'mon, c'mon!"
Stormkit squeaked as his hind-legs found a plank to push himself up, and with Mistkit help, he tumbled onto the large wood plank which was the same size as the cat bed they had slept on. Stormkit panted heavily as he trembled in fear, "that was scary!" he mewed loud enough for Mistkit to here.
Vixenkit basically walked past them on her way to the top of the pile, her long legs giving her an advantage. "I'm winning." She purred.
Stormkit bristled, and almost immediately he jumped back to his playful state and bolted up beside Vixenkit, "no! its a tie right now!" the brown tom-kit mew excitedly.
"You sure?" Vixenkit hissed, pushing her paws done on one end of a plank, lifting the other end up so Stormkit couldn't get up.
Stormkit squeaked, "No fair!" quickly he noticed another plank and jumped over and onto it, careful not to fall. "watch me!" Stormkit mewed, jumping a bit more higher and skipped over a small plank. digging his claws into a higher plank above him he pulled himself up. "oh yeah! im in the lead!" then he blinked and saw Vixenkit standing proudly already at the top.
(Whoever wants to do Flamekit for me can do it. I'll be off for a while. Just tell me what you did with meh baby after :P)
mkk, we'll miss you!!))
(Cya! [I won't be off for too long. Maybe an hour. If not i'll be back tomorrow.] :P)
(We'll still miss you :P)
(Ok so ill be gone for an hour but still- Whoever wants to play Flamekit can :^)
Stormkit gave an annoyed huffed as he hauled himself up to stand besides Vixenkit who sat down and looked at Stormkit with a smug look. "how'd you get up here before me?" Stormkit mewed, flicking his tail.
Mistkit carefully made her way up the pile, slipping multiple times before advancing higher. Flamekit seemed to be having far less trouble then her, and was almost at the top. By the time Mistkit got all the way up, Flamekit had sat down with the others. She took a breath and looked around from her new point of view. "Wow! Guys, come look!" She mewed to the others. "It looks so cool from up here!"
Stormkit looked over at his sister and then looked over at the wide view, he sucking in air as he looked at everything. "everything looks to tiny!" he mewed, he stood up and looked down, "we're up so high!" Stormkit looked up, scanning the mini clearing and then letting out a half laugh half snort. "Junkie looks like ant!" Flamekit walked up beside him and looked down at where Junkie stood, looking back at the four kits.
"I-" Vixenkit bragged to Stormkit, "-Am tall."
Stormkit rolled his eyes, "I know that you mouse-brain!"
She stood with the others and nodded. "It's even taller from up here." She stuck her tongue out at them.
should we have a mini time-skip to WindClan camp? lol Spring and Swift would be cuddling tbh XD))
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