@Spring group
Springheart stirred, blinking awake and flinching slightly at the bright light and flooded into the den. yawning she looked over at a sleeping Swiftstar. a soft smile was placed on Swiftstars lips as the leader was snoring softly. Springheart purred quietly and cuddled closer to Swiftstar, closing her eyes as she heards pawsteps walk towards the leaders den, Springheart flicked her ears as she heard the whispering voices of Dewpaw and Silverpaw coming closer. "Shh! Silverpaw! look! their still asleep! we should come back later!" Silverpaw gave a quiet snort, "yeah, alright but look at how cute they look!" Springheart felt a purr rumble in her throat but forced it down so she didn't ruin the two apprentices conversation.
sorry! i was doing chores lol))
(I is back)
(Flamekit is faster than all the kits. It's confermed-)
(Faster than Mistkit to be exact lol)
tru tru XD ))
(Are we baak with the other cats now?)
with the WindClan cats, yes, but im waiting for ZFox lol))
(Sorry, class is annoying)
Swiftstar blinked her eyes open and lay still. She felt Springheart curl in closer and purred. As much as she wanted to stay there forever, she heard voices outside the den and remembered they had kits to find. She pressed her head into Springheart's shoulder and purred, "Good morning."
(Sorry, class is annoying)
(I feel you.)
(Sorry, class is annoying)
(I feel you.)
i totally feel that lol))
(Shadowclaw. I have an idea. )
Shadowclaw was up. He was up all night, looking for rhe kits. He was vary tyered. He got no sleep. He sat infront of his den and sighed. He hummed. When he saw that the other cats were up he went into his den. He yawned, layed down and closed his eyes. Finally…Rest… He thought going to sleep.
Springheart smiled, "good morning to you too." opening her eyes she nosed Swiftstars cheek, "so, how'd you sleep? I had a good dream myself." Springheart have a shy chuckled as she reminisced on her dream. "you were in it, and the kits where there too, it was very nice really." Springheart looked over at Swiftstar who was looking back on her, "that does sound like a nice dream," the leader mewed. Springheart flipped onto her back to expose her soft belly fur, just like she did when she was expecting the kits, "oh, it was."
"I slept like the dead." Swiftstar joked. "In all seriousness though, if you want to go on patrols today, to find them, I don't mind." She carved a line through the dirt with a claw. "I have stuff to deal with in camp anyway."
Springheart turned her head to face the leader, "is it Clan drama or something? because please bore me to death with what cat crossed the border! or which cat fought who!" the queen chuckled the last few words out, flopping down on her side Springheart sighed. looking down at the carve Swiftstar imprinted in the dirt. "I might join another patrol, maybe in the evening, its to early for me right now."
"Mostly boring leader stuff, I'm sure you'd rather not hear," Swiftstar said. "I wish I could be patrolling, but you said no." She smiled.
Springheart hummed, "yeah, true." the brown she-car paused when she looked over at Swiftstar when she blurted out. "what if we had kits together?" Springheart felt her ear tips burn as she continued, "like I know we're both she-cats and can't have kits by any means, but if we had kits, what do you think they'd look like?" Springheart mewed, looking over at Swiftstar who seemed surprised at the question.
w h o m p i have to leave soon lol, its 11 pm here :'(( i wish i could still rp but i cant ))
"That's pretty hard! I wonder if any of them would be black like Ravenheart-" She trailed off and stared at the ground, silent.
Night! :)
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