@Spring group
Stormkit bounced a bit, "it feels weird!" he giggled, deciding to lay down he let out a purr. "it does feel comfy… and i like the hole in the roof, its like our warrior ancestors are looking down on us!" he whispered to Mistkit.
Stormkit bounced a bit, "it feels weird!" he giggled, deciding to lay down he let out a purr. "it does feel comfy… and i like the hole in the roof, its like our warrior ancestors are looking down on us!" he whispered to Mistkit.
(Man I missed a lot)
"It definitely does." Mistkit purred as well, and snuggled close to her brother. "G'night guys." She mewed, closing her eyes, and she soon fell asleep.
Flamekit just laid on the floor. He was used to it. He yawned and opened his eyes. He smiled. He decided to join them in the soft place. He smiled. It really was soft and comfy. He sat down and And looked at the other adult cat's. He wasn't very comfortable sleeping in a 'den' with cats they just met. He meowed and turned around to the wall.
Stormkit flicked his tail and closed his eyes, as soon as he did, he fell asleep.
opening his eyes, he noticed he was in a bright forest. He looked around, the sky was bright and the cloud were fluffy and white. Stormkit smiled, flicking his ear when all of a sudden a starry figure stood in front of him, "Stormkit… hello… how have you been?" Stormkit stiffened, "Snowbreeze? is that you?" the starry cat nodded, "of course, im the only StarClan cat you can see." Stormkit flicked his tail, "why can't i just have normal dreams?" Stormkit mewed, Snowbreeze sighed, "that doesn't matter, you still have to tell Vixenkit that your the one that's supposed to become a medicine cat." Stormkit opened his blue eyes wide, "N-no! i don't want to! I want to be a warrior and Vixenkit wants to be a medicine cat!" Snowbreeze had no expression as he stared down at Stormkit. "You have no voice of reason in this, Stormkit. you have to become a medicine cat." Stormkit looked up at Snowbreeze, anger made his blood boil. "no." Stormkit mewed, "I am not going to become a medicine cat. I am Stormkit, the best warrior of WindClan, i will fight battles! not heal cats with, stupid herbs!" Snowbreeze looked down at Stormkit, "you will regret this decision." Stormkit stood up, "it don't care!" he squeaked.
while Stormkit was sleeping he was tossing and turning in his sleep, whomp))
yeah, i write essays))
Mistkit blearily lifted her head as her brother turned over. She tilted her head, then shifted away from him and closed her eyes. A few moments later, she found herself standing in a forest at night. The wind began to blow, and she heard the voices again. "Mistkit…" Mistkit stared at the area around her. "W-who's there?" Her eyes widened as starry figures appeared in front of her. "Who are you?" She demanded, but the strangers didn't respond. A ginger tom with green eyes stepped forward, and spoke. "When shadows vanish without a trace, curious minds accept the race." He flicked his tail, and a blueish-grey she-cat with blue eyes stepped up as well. "The power of the stars gracing their paws, they are the ones who defy all laws." A dark grey she-cat with matted fur was next. "Flames of Power; Minds that Scour; Voices in the Mist." Now a black she-cat with green eyes. "In the eyes of the storm, is where the stars will drop snow, being the guide when the moods are low." And finally, a grey tabby tom with blue eyes. "Shadows grow for those who look, writing their names in the history book." Mistkit stared at the cats with wide eyes. "What are you guys talking about? Who even are you?" The grey tabby opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, he began to fade along with the other strange cats. Mistkit opened her eyes, finding herself back in the abandoned Twoleg den. She looked around in confusion. What just happened?
(Me too. Also, I just had to pull some canon characters into this, who have spoken in this exact order: Firestar, Bluestar, Yellowfang, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather. Because I just wanted them to be here.)
I love all of those characters))
(I mean. Flamekit hasn't used his powers that much but your powers come to you.)
Vixenkit forced herself to stay awake most of the night, listening to Stormkit and Mistkit toss and turn. When she finally did fall asleep, she woke up what felt like three seconds later, to daylight.
Moose lay down with his back pressed against Junkie's and though about everything that had happened to him that day. I was pretty brave today, He thought as he fell asleep
I was pretty brave today,
YES! YES HE WAS!!! qwq i love this lil beannnn))
I was pretty brave today,
YES! YES HE WAS!!! qwq i love this lil beannnn))
Moose is best boy
I was pretty brave today,
YES! YES HE WAS!!! qwq i love this lil beannnn))
Moose is best boy
(Yes, he is!)
I was pretty brave today,
YES! YES HE WAS!!! qwq i love this lil beannnn))
Moose is best boy(Yes, he is!)
:')) ))
Stormkit blinked awake, his vision a bit blurry as he got used to the brightness of the empty two-leg den. he turned over on his side, it being uninhabited by no-one as he curled up.
Vixenkit sat up and looked around, she noticed that Moose had gone but Junkie didn't seem worried so she wasn't either. She got up and, after stretching out her legs, walked over to him.
"Junkie?" She started, "Do twolegplace cats have anything like StarClan?"
Junkie looked down at Mistkit, "Star….Clan?" he blinked, "what in the world is StarClan? i've never heard of it in my 7 years of life!…" his weird accent hung heavily in his words.
it took me forever to find out how old he is in human years– also he has a country sounding accent lol))
"It's the place where cats go once they die." Vixenkit said, shuffling her paws.
Junkie hummed, "so like…your…" he paused "what did Stormkit say last night, uh… your ancestors go?"
"Yeah, I guess." Vixenkit shrugged.
Junkie looked up at another hole in the roof, a cloud passed by and he stared at it for a moment. "so, is it like a perfect place of sorts? cuz, it sounds nice…" he smiled, "StarClan it does sound like a perfect place based on the name…maybe my mama and papa are up there…" he whispered the last few words to himself.
"I don't know what it's like. StarClan doesn't talk to me." Vixenkit said quietly to him. "Stormkit might know, the reason we're here is because he saw a StarClan cat."
"StarClan cat?" he looked shocked for a moment, looking around, "you clan cats are interesting" he mewed. "he saw a…. ghost cat?"
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