Ciel grabbed Stormkit by the scruff, and the group began to follow Ciel in the direction of the abandoned house. "be careful," Ciels muffled mew we heard through Stormkits thick fur, "there's going to be a bunch of large tree roots and holes."
Vixenkit hopped over a rock and sped up to walk next to Ciel. "What's life like in the twoleg place?" She mewed.
Ciel thought for a moment, "well, it's different for others, for me, its kinda…. nice. I just watch what my owner watches on some big box that shows bright lights while I relax in my cat bed. And sometime he takes me on walks through the neighborhood, oh! there was that one time where we ran into a huge dog but it was on a harness. My lives very different from my other neighbor, his names Junkie, and he goes out and explore all day, everyday!" Ciel sighed and looked over, making out the shape of another cat, putting Stormkit down, he looked up. "kits, stay back…"
As much as she didn't want to Vixenkit stood behind Ciel, but still made sure she was in front of the others.
Mistkit squinted at the figure and took a step forward. Is it Springheart? Or maybe Swiftstar. She thought, before shaking her head. No way. It's probably a loner or rogue. The she-kit stepped back like her father said.
Ciel took a few paw-steps forwards, fear made his heart race and he looked over at the cat. "u-uh…. hello?" the cat jumped and snapped their head to face Ciel, "who– oh! Ciel? is that you?" Ciel blinked, "wha-?" the cat got up and padded towards Ciel, "it is you! Junkie just went to your house! apparently a wild cat was taken in, Junkie supposed to coming back now!" Ciel smiled, "Lilac! oh dear, you scared me and the kits!" Lilac blinked, "kits? oh, Ciel, don't tell me your imaging your non-existing kits again! what was one of the names you came up with, Chestnut?" Ciel fluffed his fur up, "n-no! I have kits! Lilac, you have one niece and one nephew!" Lilac blinked, "I-i do?" Ciel looked over his shoulder, "Come on now, don't be scared…" Stormkit yawned, "can we just get to the house? i'm tired and–" he gave another big yawn, "a-and tripping over my paws!" he squealed.
Mistkit stared at the she-cat. "Who are you?" She asked, violet eyes wide. "And how do you know our father?"
Vixenkit padded out and snapped, "I am NOT one of his." She went half a foxlength away and sat with her tail over her paws looking grumpy.
Ciel flicked his tail towards Vixenkit, looking back over at Lilac smiling, "Mistkit, this is your Aunt Lilac! your cousins are somewhere around here…." he looked around. Lilac smiled and walked over, "aww, whos the lucky she who had these little guys?" Ciel sighed, "we don't talk about her," Lilac nodded, "alrighty then, well you said house, right? are you talking about the abandoned house? because its not to far from here!"
Mistkit padded up to Vixenkit and sat down beside her. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, concerned. "You…seem kind of upset."
"You guys, and Flamekit, you all are meeting your parents and family and I can't. I was an only kit and my parents are dead." Vixenkit admitted.
Flamekit still sat behind Ciel. He was confused and he didn't know what was happening. He wishes he knew his relatives, even tho he now knew his mother. He peaked his little head to catch a look of the She-cat and walked out. He sat and looked down. He didn't say anything and then he asked, "Who was this…Wild Cat?"
Stormkit noticed Vixenkit and gave a sad huff, "can we just go to the house? im tired!" Ciel looked over at Stormkit, "in a second honey." just as Ciel spoke those words another voice was heard, "Hey Lilac! Ciel! hey man, I though you went missing!" Stormkit squeaked and ran over towards Mistkit and Vixenkit, cowering behind Vixenkit as she was the biggest while still being the youngest.
Ciel looked over and flicked his tail, "Junkie! and is that Moose behind you?" Junkie snorted and nodded, "Moose fell a few time over a tree root and then fell in a hole," the ginger-and-white tom looked over at Moose who stumbled over.
Junkie walked over and noticed the group of kits hiding over near a tree, "who are the kits?" Lilac flicked her tail, "Ciel said two of the kits are his, so far I know the small little she is named Mistkit and the fluffy tom is named Stormkit. the other two im not to sure." Junkie nodded, "Well, instead of heading home, lets go to abandoned house!" Lilac sighed, "it is closer, and Ciel was taking the kits there anyways." Junkie smirked and soon the group set off.
"I would much rather go back to my house, my upwalker will be looking," Moose said, shaking. It was a lie, his upwalker was out for the night, he just wanted to go back to his nice, safe bed.
Vixenkit snorted at Moose, then, staying close to Flamekit, Mistkit and Stormkit, walked with the others.
Junkie flicked his tail, "oh, come on Moose!" he gave a smirk, "i'll keep you safe so you don't have to worry! I know the place like the back of my paw!"
(I have realized that Ciel, Junkie, Moose, and the others use rogue and clan terms, and its fun to try and think why. They use upwalker/twoleg instead of housefolk, they use kittypet instead of housecat, they use rogue and loner instead of whatever rogues, loners and kittypets call them.)
XD Ciel might've told them these dumb terms bc Springheart prolly told Ciel about it and the others said, "k" ))
Moose whined, but nodded and mumbled, "Well, okay, yeah, I guess, sure." And bounded along behind Junkie.
XD Ciel might've told them these dumb terms bc Springheart prolly told Ciel about it and the others said, "k" ))
(My idea was way more dramatic and dark but yours works)
Junkie smirked and bumped flanks with Moose, "it'll be fun! promise!" Junkie bounded in front of the group, "come on! I know a shortcut!" Junkie ran up ahead, Lilac yowling after him. "Junkie! I swear to the stars that are in the sky, I'll claw your ears off!" Lilac sighed and got down, Maple, Hunnie, and Blue climbed on her back as she began to walk after him. Ciel sighed, grabbing Stormkit and somehow placing him on his back, "come one, lets get moving."
XD Ciel might've told them these dumb terms bc Springheart prolly told Ciel about it and the others said, "k" ))
(My idea was way more dramatic and dark but yours works)
:0 whats your idea?! i wanna know nowwwwww ))
XD Ciel might've told them these dumb terms bc Springheart prolly told Ciel about it and the others said, "k" ))
(My idea was way more dramatic and dark but yours works)
:0 whats your idea?! i wanna know nowwwwww ))
I wanna know toooooooooooo!!
XD Ciel might've told them these dumb terms bc Springheart prolly told Ciel about it and the others said, "k" ))
(My idea was way more dramatic and dark but yours works)
:0 whats your idea?! i wanna know nowwwwww ))
I wanna know toooooooooooo!!
Heh Heh heh
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