@Spring group
Im getting father and daughter vibes from Vixenkit and Junkie rn—))
Im getting father and daughter vibes from Vixenkit and Junkie rn—))
Vixenkit nodded and swallowed hard. "It just upsets me a bit. See, I want to be a medicine cat and part of their job is to listen to StarClan and get prophecies and stuff. But StarClan talks to Stormkit and not me." She muttered.
Im getting father and daughter vibes from Vixenkit and Junkie rn—))
Honestly she's happy for a father figure
Junkie just like, "Lilac, we have a new daughter" and Lilac is like: "we already have 3 kits Junkie–" but Junkie said, "shes joining the family" Vixenkit is just on his back like: "sup."))
Junkie just like, "Lilac, we have a new daughter" and Lilac is like: "we already have 3 kits Junkie–" but Junkie said, "shes joining the family" Vixenkit is just on his back like: "sup."))
Junkie nodded, not fully grasping at the idea of StarClan but he looked down at Vixenkit. "well, maybe you can still be a medicine cat? I might not have a full understanding of, StarClan but aren't there cats who don't believe in StarClan?" he noticed Vixenkit perk her ears up. "
"I guess so, but I can't stop believing. Thanks Junkie." Vixenkit said before trotting away to sit with the other kits again.
Stormkit sat up, quickly noticing Vixenkit padding over towards Mistkit and him. "oh!" he let out a yawn, "good moring Vixenkit!" he squeaked.
"Good morning," Vixenkit muttered. "Did you dream last night? You weren't very- still."
Stormkit flicked his ear and let out a nervous cough, "y-yeah, i did dream." he looked back up at Vixenkit who was now standing at the beginning of the large cat bed. does she know that… that I'm supposed to be a medicine cat?!
"Well?" She said, jumping onto the cat bed, "What about?"
Flame kit got up and greeted everyone with a smile. He wasn't very happy. He walked out and say on the grass. He looked down and sighed. He wanted to master his power but he barely knew how to control it.
Stormkit gave a nervous smile, StarClan above, help me! "Well," the tom-kit began thinking of a lie, "It was a really good one! there was a giant rabbit, like, thissss big!" he opened his arms, making it awkward for him to stand so he stumbled into a weird sit. sitting back up he coughed, "and you, Mistkit and Flamekit were there to! we all ran after the rabbit and then I jumped up really, really high and caught it between my claws!" he smiled looking over at Vixenkit who seemed to be imagining the story. "and then me and you were running through the moor and then I woke up!" Stormkit huffed, scilently wishing that Vixenkit would believe his little story.
"Sure," Vixenkit said, shaking herself. "Yeah, of course!"
Stormkit sighed, so she, did believe me! thank you StarClan! the tom stood up, "speaking of rabbit, im hungry! oh! and uh, Vixenkit, what did Junkie say to you?"
"Me too," Vixenkit looked down at Mistkit, "Should we wake Mistkit?"
Flamekit's ears twitched. This was his chance to practice. He walked back in and walked up to Stormkit. "I can go hunting for you!" He said. "This could help with my hunting. What do you want? Birds or rats?" He said, his mood slightly better.
Stormkit stuck his tongue out, "ew! not rats! my momma says that they're gross and they sound gross!" the dark brown tom thought, looking up at Flamekit "maybe a bird."
"Whatever you find." Vixenkit said, she glanced around, "Where did Moose go? I haven't seen him all morning."
Stormkit looked around, "oh yeah! were did Moose go?" Junkie seemed to be listening in because he walked over, "him and Ciel went out to go find some food, I asked to go but Ciel said that they'd be fine and that he wanted me here if anything were to happen to you guys."
"Oh." Vixenkit mewed, looking at the ground. "What should we do now, Stormkit?"
Stormkit shrugged, "i dunno, maybe we can explore the two-leg den?"
Mistkit opened her eyes and glanced around. What did those cats- Wait a second. She thought. Cats with stars in their pelts…StarClan! A chill raced down her spine, and she glanced at the others, hoping they wouldn't sense her uneasiness. I can't tell the others yet. Not until I figure out what StarClan was trying to tell me. Mistkit stretched with a yawn, and turned to the others. "Morning guys. What'cha doing?"
"We're gonna explore the abandoned den!" Vixenkit said, "Wanna join us?"
Flamekit looked at Mistkit. "Not much. I was going to go hunting but I couldn't." He sighed. "Wait. maybe I can practice my power! But then again-" Flaimekit trailed off and tripped over something falling face-first to the ground.
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