forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Cadeverek group

respawns ~Well hello there my lovely people of

This is just an art thread so I won't go in depth, but basically I stopped using due to how overworked I was in university this semester. I had to stop and focus so I'm sorry for the literal 4 month hiatus! To be fair I did pass and got fairly good grades, so that's a plus I suppose! Oh, and I found out I'm genderfluid and now go by he/she. Yeah, just wanted to say this :]

Well, I did some stuff but for now I wanted to show this one kid right here:

Meet Simon, I mean, he isn't new but I finally filled almost the entirety of his profile, so GOD THIS GOT L O N G . I don't think I've ever shared his backstory either so if anyone wants to read it, feel free, all content warnings are in the profile already. About the art though, I'll have to make another ref sheet for him later, he goes through some pretty significant physical changes so……… y a y . . .
Also, I really like his design, he's such a good boy. A very nice boy. I love him. That's why he's so fvcked up. :]

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Aww, little Simon! Welcome back and good job in school!

I’m throwing in the towel on this one. I don’t know what to add/fix 😵‍💫. I feel like there should be a warning attached to the top of this, but I’m not sure, so please kindly tell me. Anyway, this is a nightmare demon named Esmeray. Not much to say about her

@Cadeverek group

No, I don't think this needs a warning, there's nothing graphic imo. The only thing I'd fix are the excess colors, try coloring the green shirt with the same color as the horns, ooorrrr color the horns with the faint yellow from the crescent moon in her eye, one of these 2 should be enough. Other than that it looks great! I love the design/shape of the horns and the lineart is ~mwa chef kiss

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Okie! Thank you. I’m just never too sure on the internet and I want try my best to give those the warnings they need.

Alright! Thank you, I’m trying to do new things with my art and it is indeed a frustrating learning curve. I enjoy the tips and criticism!

@larcenistarsonist group

both to @Wykie and @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll!!! they both look so great!! I love all of the stuff you managed to put on one character ref page, Wykie AND it all looks amazing! I love Simon so much! what a lad. 10/10 would go to Denny's with him. Cinnamon!! I love the character design so much! she looks amazing!!! I would be slightly intimidated if I ever ran into her in a forest in the dead of night alskdjf


And here's my quick contribution to the art chat as;df it's me and my giant knife snake i made up that i love with my entire soul (the snake's name is Danger Days)

@Cadeverek group

@MJ-the-Larcenist-Arsonist MJ THAT LOOKS SO COOL???????????????????????? I really like the flow/composition, it's one of the hardest stuff to get right and also, I'm a sucker for purple, you hit me at the right spot lmaooo Then again, edgy/pointy art styles »»> everything else

@Cadeverek group

Just these 2 being best friends, absolutely, just,,,,,, best friends haha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,very very platonic guys, just,,,,,,,,,,,,, guys being pals, very good bros, two bros, chilling in a rooftop, five feet apart cause they're not gay

Not gonna lie, I love how this one turned out. I usually hate drawing backgrounds so I'm sorry if they don't blend that well, Good Lord, y'all have no idea how many overlay, multiply and add layers I put in this thing. That rooftop is based off of my uiniversity's one, it's just this lonely, liminal, mossy place inhabited by only those sneaky enough to know how to get there (aka me, I'm the skeaky one) and old air conditioner units. The view is fantastic, from there you can see an almost empty parking lot, the lights from few and far between buildings and an immense darkness due to the lack of nearby houses or stores. It's astonishing. I went there with My DearestTM and 2 or 3 friends and it's such a strange place. So quiet. Very liminal. I adore that place. It feels prohibited. Perhaps that's why. Well, enjoy my 2 adorable little skrunklies having dinner and spending some time together :] They're Simon and Wolfram, for the record.
Anyways, this was it for me, see y'all some other day!

Now a black and white version because I always keep checking the values, and I like how the B&W version of this one turned out :]

@Cadeverek group

Kinda sad to see this forum so empty lmao. Unfortunately I'm having exams in University atm, so I'm a bit less active than ideal, but managed to do a little animation!

It's a work in progress but I hope y'all like it!!

@Cadeverek group

Just some silly little thing i made while waiting for my parents to get ready before dinner yesterday! Its just a joke animation, SUPER CRINGE AND ITS INTENTIONAL BECAUSE CRINGE CULTURE IS DEAD!!!!! HUGE FLASH/EYESTRAIN/EPILEPSY WARNING THOUGH!!! I mean, its literally called "EPILEPTIC techno meme" so like… yall been warned u_u

Also, I think Ill color this design and turn it into my new fursona, I found out Im a trans guy recently so my fursona (Wyquasia) is still her old design. I think Ill name him Derek which is also my chosen name, just because! I might color him similarly to Wyquasya though. Any ideas are welcome!


A Salamanders Phobos Captain that I finished up yesterday. This was my first foray into Non-Metallic Metal and I'm super proud of how the green and black armor came out.


It's just a progress screenshot, honestly a screenshot for proof that it's even mine, but I decided to make an attempt at digital art! This is just an OC that I randomly created, but yeah! It's just the base colors right now, but it's progress!